The New Worlds: History of Ages III

The history of ages ends.
In the years after 2650, the world faced one of its most terrible nightmares. The causes of these were two ultimate geological disturbances. First of all, from 2654 to 2660, the whole continent of Antarctica melted away. This increased the sea level by unbelievable rate. The South American Continent was reduced to half its original land area. North America and north-west Europe suffered a lot. The subcontinent was also drowned off its valuable areas. Only the continent of Africa, somehow, was damaged the least. The interior of the Eurasia was also very safe. In 2662, almost half of the North American population immigrated to Asia and Africa. England also became a dull country to live in.

However, in 2667, the Grand Plague II swept over the western areas. The South and North America became completely extinct of its population. Some parts of the Africa and Europe also felt the devastation, but not so noticeably as the Americas. Civilization was not to be seen in these great continents for the next few decades. In total, the Grand Plague II killed over fifteen million people in the first year and five million more in the second.

But the wrath of nature was not extinguished yet. In 2627, the subcontinent had faced a great earthquake in the Himalayan Range. The Mount Everest sunk down by several meters. In the years that followed, the people of the surrounding area faced frequent earthquakes. But in 2672, an earthquake in the Himalayas broke all the records of most destructive earthquakes. It reached the rate of 9.25 in the Richter scale and exterminated two million people in the highly populated areas in those days. Not only did it cause this destruction, but also it made the Indian Plate get separated from the Eurasian Plate. The Indian Plate then began to move southwards. It began pressing the Antarctic Plate which was now no more than an ocean. But its seabed was very high and therefore the Indian Plate began to get compressed and the Indian Ocean began to close up, until in 2698, when this movement finally ceased. The Indian Ocean turned into the Indian Sea.

However, soon, it collided with the Eurasian Plate once again which had been leaning southwards for the past two decades. Africa slid up to Eurasia closing up the Mediterranean. The North America and South America moved further west near the cost of Russia. The Pacific, therefore, closed up a bit and the Atlantic widened. All these caused widespread havoc throughout the world. But it all ended by the beginning of the next century.

But although all the destruction stopped, the world needed one more decade to recover from the strains. In 2713, a Science Academic spaceship drew the new map of the world. Comparing it to the world of the 21st century, it was a lot reliable for the development of artificial island building and the Science Academy soon started new projects on it.

Much has been said about the disastrous characteristics of these distressful years and finally it had been decided that it should be called the AGE OF DISTRESS. More than fifty million people died during these years. This made it a dark patch on the history of human race. The AGE OF DISTRESS lasted from 2630 to 2720, a dark period of ninety years.

The world we are living in is known as the NEW WORLD. It began after 2720, when the world evolved to a completely different mode. This is significant for a true development of the world affairs with a divine mind. Lifestyle changed dramatically in comparison to other major ages of the history.

Land is extremely scarce and even if there are some land, it is not eligible for settlement. The continents of North and South America are completely isolated as a result of the disease of the Grand Plague, although some tribal societies from the Technological Era still inhabit some parts of South America. The Science Academy therefore, has to manage settle in every inch of the eligible land. Even the coasts of seas and rivers are line with super lasers to construct settlement without the fear of natural calamities. Apartments have extra ordinary structural foundations to bear heavy bodies. No building is allowed to be less than a hundred and twenty storeys. Nowadays, buildings over three hundred storey high are considered to be skyscrapers.

Power has always been a problem to the survival of humankind. But now it is not an obstacle any more. Every building has its own power supply and relies on the government just for special purposes, like Christmas. Besides, the sources of power are all natural forces, like wind, tide, etc. and it does not pollute the atmosphere. The only artificial source of power is the use of explosives to generate electricity and to use nuclear reactors.

The world roads now do not have any traffic problems. Automated flying coaches travel through virtual laser tubes with the highest efficiency. People enjoy driving now. It is like a game in a virtual world. Aircrafts and ships are modified to a whole new extent.

But life is not as easy as it seem. The world is not in a stable mode yet. In 2762, a group of scientists left the Science Academy to form the Alien-Ex Legion. Their aim was to find and destroy alien life. In 2775, a war broke out between the Science Academy and the Alien-Ex Legion. It was fight of the century. The subject was the discovery of some alien lives in the Bermuda Triangle.

However, at the end of the war, the world became quite stable. It was found that South America was eligible for living again. It was cheerful news for everyone in the whole world.

At the end, it is not absurd that the NEW World which still continues will be like all other ages, for the FAST and the FURIOUS.

   By Md. Faisal Alam
Published: 4/10/2010

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