Tsunami in Japan 2011 comments

Japan experienced the worst ever earthquake disaster in its modern history early Friday 11th March, 2011 followed by a deadly tsunami leading to massive destruction in the northern part of the country.
Comments on article "Tsunami in Japan 2011"
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mandeep kaur jst they have lost everything...:( 4/12/2011
priyanka chopra OHH! whatever happened any where in world bt we have 2 study about it... :'( 4/7/2011
katrina kaif it seemz 2 b very sad:(( 4/7/2011
kareena kapoor ohh! i feel very sad ob seeing thz destructive disaster in japan:((
Naushaba Aman feel really sorry 4 it but good work huh kundan 4/7/2011
mandeep a useful information for making assignments and projects...but really sad for that happened in japan truely feeling bad for this...god bless japan and their people..:(( may this type of disaster donot happen again in japan...god save them..:'( 4/7/2011
Arni Japan I'm sorr y for your tsunami wave. I hope you can takecare. But one thing is for sure if it's any country who can recover tsunami or anything similar it's you. 4/4/2011
aishwarya gud information 4/2/2011
roxina wonderful information 4/2/2011
jenny sorry for them 3/31/2011
leena cool 3/31/2011
oindrila ghosh verry sorry 3/30/2011
Kalaimathy Iren hi Kundan, I m from Malaysia. I believe u r an Indian. I read yr article on Tsunami in Japan. I totally agree with you on how well and genuine Japan has put up with such a calamity. Prob God s telling us something about this mighty country which if not for the timely bombing of Hiroshima n Nagasaki might be ruling a big part of Asia.

hope u will keep in touch wid me. U also write poems. I jus published my debut book of poems. will send 1 to u k. tc
Mano Cdsa Eu não sou japones mas sinto a sua dor. 3/29/2011
Romario Z This is so sad.I wish all happiness to this people. 3/29/2011
Romario Z I think the japanese people have a good behaviour despite of the earthquakes,their`re a respectable people and I guess we all have to help this people. 3/29/2011
Akaiya Alexande Thats Sad... :( :'( 3/29/2011
yozzaa ii reallyy fell soryy forr thesee poorr peoplee...
thyy havee lostt manyy friendss andd famiilyy..:(

farr ouutt shooww sommee respectt!
serah ii would hatee too bee livnqq theaa soo sad.. 3/28/2011
jess very sad story but true 3/27/2011
saumya gupta why the pre-prepared measures could not work? 3/27/2011
sphongo This left people traumatised mybe indulging to something they enjoy will gradually take thier minds off things 3/24/2011
VINODARAN so bad fights biggest natural and lost their lives..i'm so sad...if i can get datails to help...i sure help or donate to japan 3/23/2011
NIPUN SARKER. I'm so heart to hear the news of JAPAN.May allah bless JAPAN.I'm praying for JAPAN sothat as soon as JAPAN can get the previous situation. THANKS...(FROM - BANGLADESH). 3/22/2011
JUSTICE Justice loves Brunomars 3/22/2011
shalini s i feel whey very sad that people lived in sanai had died,injured.

Upneet Kaur Envionment can defeat n destroy everything so let us pray for the welfare of japan, & hope japan will recover & rebuild very soon... 3/18/2011
shalini s then which area in japan tsunami 3/18/2011
janardhanreddy i feel very sad 3/18/2011
ani gk 11th march 2011 is dad day 3/17/2011
Ani-chan Hallo
I'm a big fan of Japan, and this day I got really shocked...
When I woke up and switched on my radio first information I hered was:
EarthQuake and Tsunami in Japan! It's really terrible...
But I'm sure that Japanese people will rise again very soon.
kym this is thrilling the devistation rises
and all we say is not good enough. i
just hope that they will be ok and let
us give them strength to go on.
i give all my 100% support to all
the victems out there.
gergie stevens could have made it more interesting! 3/15/2011
Mihir Pandhare Yes, definetely they will rise again... god blessall of them. 3/15/2011
Mihir Pandhare We are all with japanies, who lost their everything 3/15/2011
Mihir Pandhare Nobody can fight with nature. 3/15/2011
Vijayaraghavan Hi All
It is Teribble , Un Imaginable, Noble Souls washed away out of Multiple Nature ...
Let us all Pray god to keep One and All in Japan Peaceful, Engergy to Sustain Agony,
Food and Shelter to hit members in timely manner
Good health so that they can recover to Normal Lifestyle , though they cannot get the Lost Ones

Now is the Time for all of us to Join Hand and Support Japan Government to Rebuild

I pray god for the good things to happen and No more Tsunami out of the Super Moon ...

Testing Czars
Hider japan is in need of aid QUICLY! 3/13/2011
sam kar kar My deepest consolence to the victims, both living and withered, will not suffice the horrific experience they went through. For those who are still waiting to be rescued, or are enduring the hunger and cold, may God look over their shoulders and help them. 3/13/2011
tee wai ming Enlarge Natalia Jimenez/The Star-Ledger An aerial shot shows vehicles ready for shipping being carried by a tsunami tidal wave at Hitachinaka city in Ibaraki prefecture on March 11, 2011. A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake shook Japan, unleashing a powerful tsunami that sent ships crashing into the shore and carried cars through the streets of coastal towns.

* 8.9 Earthquake and Tsunami hit Japan

An 8.9 magnitude earthquake followed by a 23-foot tsunami hit Japan on Friday; hundreds are confirmed to be dead and the tsunami has hit Hawaii. Nations along the Pacific are bracing for impact.

In Japan, residents are being warned of aftershocks as the search for the missing or dead is underway. The Japan Times Online reported, "A 67-year-old man died after being hit in the head by part of a stone wall in Chiba Prefecture, while a woman in her 50s died after part of the roof of a hall collapsed in Tokyo."

My heart goes out to everyone there. Early Live video from Northern Japan is pretty intense. Unfortunately, I don't think they've seen the worst of it yet...

My deepest consolence to the victims, both living and withered, will not suffice the horrific experience they went through. For those who are still waiting to be rescued, or are enduring the hunger and cold, may God look over their shoulders and help them. This said, it is absolutely imperative, time being absolutely of the essence that Russian and Ukrainian nuclear experts, who along with ours shall be immediately dispatched to field advise the locals in averting the third disaster, one which is in its making this very moment. Technical knowledge must be delivered at once and national boundary be set aside.
here to wish them will be fine as soon as possible.
sam kar kar

A devastating 8.9 earthquake off the Pacific coast in Japan set off a massive tsunami, resulting in floods, fires and the closure of airports and transit systems. As many as 300 bodies have been found on a beach in Sendai, on the northeast coast, with another 110 confirmed dead elsewhere.

The Times welcomes your comments about the tragedy befalling Japan. This post has been created for you to share your insights about this natural disaster. Please be respectful. Comments that are in violation of the L.A. Times' terms of service will not be published.Japan's most punishing earthquake on record and the devastating tsunami it triggered plunged the heart of the densely populated island nation into an apocalyptic scene of blazing buildings, cratered highways, waterborne rubble and frenzied efforts to avert radiation leaks at damaged nuclear power plants.

Japan Broadcasting Corp. said more than 1,000 people had died, mostly in the northeastern part of the country.

The death toll is expected to rise once disaster-response teams reach the hardest-hit areas and assess casualties, the National Police Agency and Defense Ministry said Saturday.The force of the magnitude 8.9 quake, which seismologists said released 1,000 times the energy of the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, broke the foundations under homes and buildings and opened chasms in fields and pavement, swallowing cars and shearing off sidewalks and driveways.More than 100 aftershocks have jolted Japan since Friday's 2:46 p.m. temblor, including at least a dozen of magnitude 6 or higher, said Dave Applegate, a senior advisor at the U.S. Geological Survey.

The earthquake, centered just off the northeastern coastal city of Sendai, was the most powerful since a December 2004 quake and ensuing tsunami killed 230,000 people in Indian Ocean nations.

The havoc unleashed on Japan just ahead of Friday rush hour has left the nation mired in fear, suffering and hardship. Millions of people are without power, utility officials said, and they warned that outages would continue through the weekend, with rolling blackouts persisting for weeks.
i'm feel very sad to those victim.God bless them fine .
tee wai ming The world admires the resilience of Japan in facing geological instabilities. Although being the best earthquake prepared nations in the world, the most powerful earthquake of Japan (magnitude 8.8) that struck it on Friday 11th March, at 1446 local time (0546 GMT), highlighted the fact that the risks posed by such natural disasters can overthrow any human preparedness. The quake that hit about 400 km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo, triggered a massive tsunami that swept almost everything that came in its path. The death toll is unclear as the government officials are still trying to figure out the extent of destruction. Buildings, even far away in the Tokyo city shook vigorously.

Earthquake and Tsunami Devastate Japan

Several reports from Japanese media have cited that a ship carrying hundred people and a train with unknown number of passengers has also gone missing. The tidal waves that accompanied Tsunami were reported to be as huge as 33 foot destroying everything that came in their way. This massive destruction brought memories of the 2004 Tsunami in Asia and alerts were issued across Australia, Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia and New Zealand. Even in the regions of the Pacific, including areas as far away as South America, US west coast, Canada and Alaska high alert warnings were issued in the wake of Tsunami triggered by the earthquake.

"The earthquake has caused major damage in broad areas in northern Japan," Prime Minister Naoto Kan was quoted saying in a news conference. Thousands of people were evacuated from regions surrounding several nuclear power plants that were reported to have faced problems due to the earthquake. As per the Japanese prime minister, all nuclear plants were shut down safely and no radiation leak has been reported in zones affected by the deadly earthquake.
sam kar kar Several reports from Japanese media have cited that a ship carrying hundred people and a train with unknown number of passengers has also gone missing. The tidal waves that accompanied Tsunami were reported to be as huge as 33 foot destroying everything that came in their way. This massive destruction brought memories of the 2004 Tsunami in Asia and alerts were issued across Australia, Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia and New Zealand. Even in the regions of the Pacific, including areas as far away as South America, US west coast, Canada and Alaska high alert warnings were issued in the wake of Tsunami triggered by the earthquake.

"The earthquake has caused major damage in broad areas in northern Japan," Prime Minister Naoto Kan was quoted saying in a news conference. Thousands of people were evacuated from regions surrounding several nuclear power plants that were reported to have faced problems due to the earthquake. As per the Japanese prime minister, all nuclear plants were shut down safely and no radiation leak has been reported in zones affected by the deadly earthquake.

The disaster left most of the places in Tokyo in dark as the nuclear power reactors were shut down automatically due to the earthquake. In sections of Kesennuma, Miyagi; a town inhabited by nearly 70,000 people, the situation all night was worsened due to the fire that broke out after the tsunami knocked several vehicles causing oil and gas to leak.
0522 mao vah 3/13/2011
nora Thank you for a remarkable article 3/12/2011
Amruta Yes, I think if Japan can sustain nuclear bomb attacks and then rise to the top, earthquakes and tsunamis are not a big deal. Its one of the best countries in the world. We indeed need to learn a lot from them. 3/12/2011
website for mot my prayers go out to everyone in Japan and every other country affected by this. aswell as the affected's family and friends...japan will rise again..may god bless all of us...lets chennaimoms com(mothers website) hope for the best.Lets share them what we have.