Groundwater Pollution Can Be Reduced By Using A Quality Water Purifier

By Gordon P Hall
Platinum Quality Author
Groundwater pollution is caused by pollutants that can work their way down through the soil and into the aquifers. In some cases, the pollutants create a contaminant plume, which causes the contaminants to spread over a wider area than they would on the surface of the ground.
Some pollutants are immediately toxic to plants, wildlife and people. Others do not cause immediate symptoms of poisoning. Plants continue to grow. Wildlife seems to be doing "okay". But as the years go by, the human population in the area starts to see more birth defects or a higher incidence of cancer.
It can be difficult to prove that the cause of those health problems was an industrial accident or the purposeful dumping of chemicals. A couple of those industrial incidents have been the subjects of popular movies like Erin Brockovich, a true story.
How quickly the contaminant makes it through the ground and into the drinking water aquifers depends on a number of factors. The type of soil present is one factor. There may be layers of clay or sandy soil. The pollutant may be poured onto bedrock or hardpan.
The risk of groundwater pollution is greater where there is limestone bedrock, because it is a porous material. In areas where there are earthquake faults, the fault lines can allow the contaminants to quickly reach the aquifers.
In the US, soil and groundwater tests are conducted whenever a piece of real estate changes hands. In areas of the San Fernando Valley, real estate contracts have clauses releasing the seller from any current or future liability caused by groundwater pollution. This is primarily due to accidents that occurred at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory where jet engines were tested.
Perchlorate (an element of jet and rocket fuel) contamination is a big problem in California and hundreds of other places around the world. The element has an adverse affect on the thyroid gland. It is classified as a VOC and can be removed from drinking water by certain VOC-removing filters.
You can check the product performance data for the filter if you are concerned. There is a great deal of debate about how much perchlorate is safe for consumption. The maximum level set by the EPA has proven to cause problems for women in recent studies. Thyroid dysfunction causes a number of symptoms, including fatigue, hair loss and skin problems.
The source of the groundwater pollution in the infamous Love Canal was an industrial landfill. Industrial solvents and dioxins contaminated the community's water supply and the indoor air of homes in the area. High rates of cancer and birth defects were caused by exposure to those contaminants.
Traces of industrial solvents like benzene can be found in drinking water samples taken from many areas, despite the efforts of public treatment facilities. The better home purifiers are able to remove or significantly reduce benzene levels, just as they do with other VOCs.
What you have read about here are just a few examples of groundwater pollution. Wherever you live, you can only be sure of protecting your family if you invest in a high quality water purifier. Remember to check the product performance data.