Nuclear Power Plant Damage by Japanese Earthquake

By Shaw Funami
Platinum Quality Author
We have been hearing that the damage in the Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Fukushima 1 has not been repaired. On Friday, March 11, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 hit northern Honshu Island, Japan at around 3:00 p.m. local time. A massive tsunami followed and at 7:03 p.m. the first emergency declaration was issued. At 8:50 p.m., an evacuation order was issued for residents within a three-kilometer diameter of the power plant. The first, second, and third reactors automatically stopped operating, and all electricity cut off. They lost cooling function.
On the second and third days, hydrogen explosions occurred in the first and third reactors. Radioactive wastes were released into the environment, and radiation levels in the air, water, and foods registered far above normal. Cooling efforts continued, and radiation levels reduced in the environment in the last week of March. However, total recovery of the damage has not been reported as of April 3, 2011. The damage includes the possibility of a core melt down, the worst considerable situation in a nuclear power reactor accident.
When I heard this news in California, my first thought was that this damage would be fixed in one week or so. I thought that at least a concrete plan and schedule would be developed and released in three to five days. Instead, the additional damages were revealed one after another as time went by. The situation has appeared increasingly worse in the last several weeks. It surprised me. The damage and the accident could not be corrected properly in a few days despite the world-class Japanese technology of nuclear power generation.
Although my opinion on use of atomic power as a source of energy is neutral, I do have a concern due to the destructive nature of the power source. I could not help but think people need to make the right decision in using nuclear energy for an alternative energy source. The stories of damages and accidents reminded me an old Chinese story on nature. It was a tale from Zhuangzi. Even though the legs of crane birds are too long, if you cut them, the birds would not survive. Even though the legs of sparrows are too short, if you lengthened them, they would not function. The long legs for crane birds were to keep them dry while standing in water; the short legs for sparrows are for standing safely on the branches of tall trees.
I hope that the use of nuclear power generation is not an attempt to change unchangeable nature: in other words, an action to shorten the legs of cranes or lengthen the legs of sparrows. Otherwise, I hope they would establish comprehensive counter-measures for this kind of natural disaster.
Hundreds are dead after the worst earthquake in generations struck off the northeast coast of Japan on Friday, setting off a devastating ...

Earthquake Preparedness 3 - Helping the Kids and Building Your Earthquake Kit

By Mary Bodel
Diamond Quality Author
We were fortunate in some respects, I had made a little book to explain earthquakes to our children and their friends. That was the way we used to teach them such things as pulling the blanket up over their heads, and it helped them stay calm. Many of the things I'm writing in this article can be applied to many natural disasters.
Children are curious, and it's hard to say how much they can absorb how soon. They need to know earthquakes are a part of nature, and if they live in a seismically active area they need to know that. Sit down with them and discuss your family's disaster plan.
When you make the earthquake kit, have them help. They will probably have some good ideas. You can discuss the reasons for many of the items at the same time.
Building Your Kit:
For the kids: Age appropriate foods should be included. Baby food, formula and the like will have to be rotated out regularly, but it should be in there. Other baby and toddler needs include diapers, wipes, rash cream, teething gel, teething rings, bottles, "sippy cups," pacifiers and so on should be included.
Toys: It might be wise not to show the children what toys you are putting into the kit, for two reasons. They may want to get them out before they are needed, and having a nice surprise could be a good emotional boost for them. Coloring books, drawing paper, crayons or markers are a good start. Older kids might enjoy board games, books and other age appropriate entertainments. If they have a hand held game (and it manages to survive the earthquake), extra batteries are a good idea.
Other Items: Food for a minimum of three days, but preferably for two weeks. Though it takes up more space, canned goods are better than dry goods, due to the possible shortage of water. Canned meats, vegetables and fruits are all good. You may want to add treat foods, both for you and the kids. Pots, pans, etc. should be available as well as a means to cook your food.
Water is an important addition. You'll need one gallon of water per person per day minimum. Utilities could be out for as much as two weeks, so keep that in mind when calculating both food and water.
Don't forget the pets. Canned and dry pet food should be kept in your kit. If the pet is a cat, a bag of litter could be useful as well. Again, toys and treats for the pet are not a bad idea, they will be as stressed as you are, and perhaps more as they don't understand what's happening.
Sanitation needs: Even if you use disposable eating products, you will still need to wash a few things. Dishsoap is a good addition. So is soap to keep yourselves clean, though you may be able to find alternatives at a backpacking store. In fact, you may find a lot of useful stuff there for your kit.
You'll need garbage bags for two reasons, and trash is only one. You can convert the bags into a means of getting rid of human waste as well. Again, the backpacking store may have better alternatives. Paper products, such as toilet paper, Kleenex and feminine supplies should be added. Paper towels are another good addition.
You'll need a variety of batteries. Flashlights and the radio are musts, though you may have a battery operated TV, game consoles, lanterns and other battery operated products.
Clothing should be added to your kit. If the earthquake happens at night, you're not going to want to spend the next few days in your pajamas. You'll want to rotate the clothes, warmer for winter and cooler for summer. You may also want to have blankets, sleeping bags and/or a tent.
First aid and medications: Earthquakes are violent affairs, and there may be some injuries. If the quake is big enough, you may have to do some first aid while waiting for professional help. A standard kit contains pain relievers, antihistamines, bandages and the like. These are important, but you may need more. Some means to stabilize a broken bone, hold a gash together and so on are also considerations. We have a professionally put together emergency kit, plus my addition of herbal remedies that may be useful.
Prescription medications, eye glasses and other health aids may need to be stowed in the in your kit. If you live with an older person, they could need a walker to get around. If you have room, these are very useful. Extra batteries for hearing aids should be available if they are needed.
As you read this, you may come up with other additions to your kit. Bear in mind what I said in a previous article, be careful where you store your kit. If it's not secured outside, someone very easily could swipe it. If it's in your house, you may not be able to get to it. In either case, it will do you no good.
If you are fortunate enough to have an RV or travel trailer, you can use it to store your kit. This will allow you to add more things that can help maintain some level of comfort in a really uncomfortable time.
Types of Faults. Faults are distinguished on the basis of the movement of the footwall relative to the hanging wall (Figures TL.23a-d). ...

Earthquake Relief and Recovery Efforts in Haiti - True Or False, Know Which Ones to Use Or Lose

By Lisa Carey
Platinum Quality Author
Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Former Presidents Bush and Clinton went to GoDaddy to set up websites to collect donations for relief and recovery efforts in Haiti. Bush and Clinton weren't alone. Over 400 domain names were registered in a week following the disaster in Haiti with website names that refer to Haiti with names that include "earthquake," "help," "victim," "survivor" and "aid." While the response to help is amazing, givers need to beware that even in, and sometimes especially in, times of crisis, not all of those that seek donations are doing so on the up and up.
Art Taylor, president of the Wise Giving Alliance at the Better Business Bureau (BBB), explains on their website that "Whenever there is a natural disaster, there are two things you can count on. The first is the generosity of Americans to donate time and money to help victims, and the second is the appearance of poorly run, and in some cases fraudulent, charities."
There were both great relief efforts and scams after the Asian tsunami in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Since it only takes a few dollars to register a domain name, givers really need to beware. There are already several e-mail phishing scams circulating into people's inboxes.
Have You Received One of These E-Mail Phishing Scams?
One e-mail phishing scam sends emails that appear to be from the "British Red Cross Society." Even UNICEF is being targeted and imitated in an email message that attempts to scam you by using a familiar name. Another email scam comes in the form of an email from a "Haiti Disaster Response Agency in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This one too is a phishing scam.
No doubt there are other email phishing scams circulating that attempt to pull on your heartstrings and ultimately your wallet. So many want to give but yet don't want to get scammed.
Identifying Haiti Earthquake Relief Phishing Scams
*Remember that legitimate charities do not solicit donations through e-mail messages.
*Phishing scams that often originate overseas commonly have misspellings and poor grammar
*You can't rely solely on your email or spam filter to weed out subject lines like "HELP THE CHILDREN IN HAITI...DONATE NOW."
Scams won't just show up in your email inbox. Collection "efforts" have showed up on MySpace, Twitter and Facebook as well. It is so important to REALLY know your FRIENDS on these social networking sites. Make sure when you friend a relief "effort," that you really know who the "efforts" are benefiting.
Giving online can be an easy and convenient way to give and the relief and recovery efforts in Haiti are certainly a worthy cause.
What can you do to protect yourself from spams and scams imitating relief for Haiti?
1. The FBI warns to exercise "due diligence" before making a donation. They offer these 6 tips to stay safe when making a donation in a press release of Jan. 13, 2009.
2. Daniel Borochoff, president of the American Institute of Philanthropy advises givers to "target groups with strong track records in the area" and "donate to aid organizations that know Haiti, understand the needs of Haitians, and have well-organized distribution systems for actually delivering that aid."
3. Ask yourself, is this charity "on the ground?" Charities that already have a presence in Haiti will be able to respond quicker and more effectively than those needed to make arrangements or ask permission to be involved in relief and recovery efforts.
Wondering where to do your research? Go to trusted sites like Charity Navigator or the BBB web site to check out charities. Also, the (AIP) American Institute of Philanthropy lists approximately 25 organizations that are top rated in the Haitian relief effort. Their ratings are based on the ability to spend at least 75% of its budget on program services.
4. Beware of too good to be true. Beware of claims that 100% of donations go towards the Haiti relief effort. Even credit cards charge a fee that can take a bite out of your donation.
5. Know where your money is going and ask questions. Is this charity providing direct relief or are they raising money to pass on?
An example of the charitable middleman is the AT&T text donation effort. While it is convenient you may want to simply send your money to the Red Cross and cut out the middleman.
Within this map area, most every kind of fault type can be found. ... blind thrust faults, like the one which caused the Northridge earthquake of 1994 ...

Preparing for the Survival of an Earthquake

By Cherry Yutuc

Every year, the United States Geological Survey records about 20,000 earthquakes or about 50 earthquakes a day. On the average, 134 of which have magnitudes between 6 to 6.9 while magnitudes 7 to 7.9 and 8 and higher and having average annual episodes of 15 and 1, respectively.
Earthquakes, the trembling of the earth's surface, can be a devastating phenomenon depending on some factors such as its magnitude, duration and other environmental hazards around us. And despite having the best and latest technology, it is sad to say that there is still no proven way of predicting an earthquake. Because of its unpredictability, the best weapon that people have against this natural force of nature is to prepare for it.
The fact is an earthquake itself is not the real cause of deaths. Most of the time, fatalities are the result of secondary factors such as collapsed buildings, falling objects, shattered glass, fire and so on.
Therefore, one of the first things to consider when readying for such event is assessing the surrounding environment. Information, such as the strength of the buildings and the placement of some things around the house such as chemicals or heavy objects, are vital.
When planning ahead, it is important for each family member to know what to do and where to go when an earthquake happens. It also necessary to keep an emergency kit consisting of non-perishable foods such as canned goods, clean drinking water, flashlights, medicines, first aid kit, blankets, batteries and battery operated radio.
Another crucial consideration is to check all the flammable chemicals at home and make sure that these items are placed on low-lying cabinets and that they do not easily tumble and catch fire.
During an earthquake, it is most important to remember to try not to panic so that you will be able to think clearly on what to do. When the earth starts to shake, remember to practice "DUCK, COVER AND HOLD". This means to lower the head, cover it with the arms and hide under a sturdy table or desk and hold on to it. If there is no furniture, try to move into an open area such as hallways or stay near the house posts or walls and stay away from stairs, windows, high cabinets, appliances and heavy furniture. If you happen to be outdoors, stay outside and just remember to move away from buildings, trees or any possible falling objects.
Keep in mind to stay calm as possible during the shaking and stay in that position until the trembling stops and then check to see if anyone is hurt or if there is fire. Move carefully from your position and always use stairs when going down.
Earthquake Faults and Hawaii Tsunmai Information Pages. Tsunmai run up.

The Truth About Japan's Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster

By Benjamin R John

March of 2011 may end up setting records when it comes to devastating disasters. Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, extreme weather and more. However, nothing really comes close to the two edged threat caused by the March 12, 2011 Earthquake which may be one of the most severe of all time. Rated at between 9.0 and 9.4, depending on who you listen to, the quake and subsequent aftershocks have caused 310 billion dollars in damage as of this writing, thousands of lives with over six thousand dead and seventeen thousand people still missing. It had also created a potential nuclear nightmare.
The first fruit of the earthquake was a huge tsunami which stretched from the orient, all the way to the west coast of the United States. America managed to avoid the kind of wholesale destruction seen in Japan. The Japanese are known for being prepared when it comes to such things as earthquakes, but this one caught them off guard. It was just too powerful and created the additional nightmare of a tsunami that came ashore with heights that ranged from thirty to eighty feet.
Earthquakes that happen under the sea often create the most damaging tsunami waves. Waves of that type can be thirty to eighty feet high when they hit shorelines. The speed and power of the tsunami wave is irresistible and devastating to anyone and anything in its path. Ships, land vehicles, buildings and people are often tossed about like tiny toys in a bathtub. Even the natural shape of the land can be altered by the power of this phenomenon. In the aftermath of the huge waves, the receding water can easily draw people and things out into the ocean.
Residents of towns along the Japanese coast had little time to prepare for what would become record-setting wave heights that worked their way inland, past areas thought to be tsunami safe. One wave that was twenty-three feet high raced ashore at the speed of a jumbo jet and managed to get six miles inland before it began to recede. People, vehicles and buildings of all sizes were laid waste by the giant waves. Nothing could stand up before this huge force of nature and survive.
Along with power outages, lack of clean water supplies, food shortages and thousands of dead bodies washing up on to the beaches of the Japanese coast, came the sudden possibility of a nuclear disaster. Several reactors and containment buildings for their spent fuel were damaged in the earthquake. Despite valiant efforts on the part of employees at several nuclear power generating sites, the threat looms worse than ever. Japan's Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, has become increasingly somber and pessimistic as he has addressed the Japanese People and the world.
The most frustrating thing for the average American is the inability of our national news media to speak the truth concerning the extent of the nuclear problem now facing Japan and the world. It's almost as if it either doesn't exist, or will never reach the shores of the Americas. Even religious leaders and broadcasters seem to be ignoring the nuclear situation. Most of them are more focused on using the earthquake and tsunami as fundraising tools for their individual programs and worldwide ministries.
Several days after the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, one national religious broadcaster was in the midst of an annual fundraising effort. Although they run a text graphic at the bottom of the screen asking people to pray for the Japanese, they did not mention the twin disasters during their live show and made no mention whatsoever of the nuclear threat posed by the power plants that were damaged. Instead, the preacher in charge asked people to send him ten dollars for a new internet ministry to receive financial blessings. If you didn't have the ten dollars, he suggested that folks go to their neighbors, borrow the money and send it off to him.
It's time for people to understand what is really happening in Japan. Within forty-eight hours of the earthquake, a spokesperson for the Union of Concerned Scientists appeared on The Today Show and stated that the area around the Fukishima facility was registering one million times above normal trace radiation levels. As of this writing, that same area is now said to have radiation levels ten thousand times above safe limits. The sea water around the Fukishima reactors has become highly contaminated with levels now over 1000 times normal.
More frightening than the current situation is the possibility that radiation from one or more nuclear reactors in Japan has been leaking into the world's natural environment for over a year. Several scientists have pointed out that the reactors have not been properly inspected for over ten years. They also say that previous earthquakes and tremors in Japan may have caused damage that was not detected and might explain the enigmatic deaths of fish and birds throughout the world during the last several years.
On March 9, 2011 over one million dead sardines clogged a marina in Redondo Beach, California. The cause of death remains unknown, but many were said to have had high levels of radiation in them. So much so that many could not be used for fertilizer as originally planned. Several fishing vessels within a thousand miles of Japan have reported pulling up nets full of dead fish within weeks of the earthquake. These fish also showed higher then normal levels of radiation when tested.
Tens of thousands of dead fish washed up on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland during the early months of 2011. Since December of 2010, 100 tons of fish have washed ashore near Paraná, Paranaguá, and other coastal towns in Brazil. New Zealand reported that hundreds of dead snapper fish washed onto the beaches of Coromandel on the North Island. Not all of these odd occurrences may be related to some unknown or unreported release of radioactive materials, but I cannot recall a time when so many unexplained events of this type have happened so often throughout the world.
In early January over five thousand blackbirds and starlings fell out of the sky and were already dead when they hit the ground in Arkansas. Five hundred birds fell dead out of the sky in Louisiana less than a month later. In all, the U.S. Geological Survey has reported that at least ninety mass deaths of birds and other wildlife occurred between June and December of 2010. None have been explained to the satisfaction of scientists and most wildlife preservation societies; a few have involved over one thousand birds inexplicably dropping out of the sky dead.
It's upsetting to watch news and weather professionals basically lie to people about the potential danger to the United States and other nations posed by the Japanese nuclear disaster. They keep saying that any radiation carried to other areas by seawater currents will be completely dispersed, but is that really true? If loads of dead fish are being pulled up in nets by fishing boats within one thousand miles of Japan and reports now indicate that one or more reactors may have been leaking for a over a year or more, can we not assume that at least some of the damage is already done?
As of this writing, on March 27, 2011, Japanese officials report that several pools of radioactive water now exist in containment and/or nuclear reactor buildings that are ten million times above normal. How long can this kind of contamination be contained? That is especially true when you consider the fact that the people trying to solve the problem have admitted that they really do not know how bad the leak is or even if that is the problem in the first place. We must remember that certain types of radiation exposure tend to create damage on humans and animals from the inside out.
Let's take a look at the situation from a scientific, Biblical and prophetic standpoint:
As early as March 12, 2012, newspapers and broadcasters were making statements like "It's not good" about the nuclear disaster in Japan. The reactors in question are forty years old and have not been inspected properly for some ten years. The record-setting Earthquake in Japan may have merely added to a problem or leak that already existed. At least five reactors now have problems or are in danger of a core meltdown.
Just in the past few days, sometime around March 24,2011, three workers from one plant were admitted to the hospital after they were exposed to a pool of contaminated water that may have contained radioactivity that was a million times above the normal levels. The workers were shielded by a large tarp to keep from public from seeing what has happened to them. It's possibly and probably burned by exposure to radiation. It appears that the news media and their carefully chosen expert spokespeople are simply ignoring the reality of radiation science and making things up as they go along, attempting to quell panic among their readers, listeners and viewers.
The worst offenders are the people that claim to speak for the Lord. They stand in their pulpits and remain silent about the threat and the fact that Bible Prophecy is coming true while we watch. God has warned people about ignoring Him and disobeying His Will. For example, the Bible says in Psalm 9:17, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." There are many people in many nations that believe that God is merely a concept; that his Word is a book of fairy tales; that his prophecy and judgments are merely made up stories designed to frighten people. But, guess again!
During the past year we have witnessed a number of disasters and odd events that have been predicted in the Word of God. These include numerous and powerful earthquakes, devastating floods, pestilences, strange and unidentified objects seen in the skies all over the world, wars, conflicts, rebellions, the shrinking and then enlargement of the moon, famines and much more.
ON THE EARTH: According to the U.S. Geological Society, there have been over 50 earthquakes ranging in magnitude from three all the way to the 9.0-9.4 (depending on which expert you listen to) earthquake in Japan from January of 2010 to March of 2011. Record cold weather has destroyed or delayed crops in many U.S. States. A new type of citrus pest is killing orange trees and citrus cops in the southeast and also threatens the southwest. Hoards of up to a million wild boars are roaming the Southern and a few Midwestern U.S. States. They destroy crops, damage property and are difficult to kill.
IN THE SKIES: Last year scientists told us that the Moon was shrinking; now they say it's growing larger. A huge object appeared over North and South American and moved slowly across the sky. It was photographed and filmed by thousands of people. Scientists were unable to identify this object which did not appear to be a meteor or easily recognizable astronomical object. It did not break apart and may have crashed into the Atlantic Ocean.
The following Bible verses give us a preview of things to come as God's Judgment plays out on the Earth:
Matthew 24:3-8: "And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."
Luke 21:5-11: And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said, As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass? And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them. But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by. Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven."
Isaiah 34:4: "And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree."
Ezekiel 22: 25-31: There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof. Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken. The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD.
Zechariah 14:12: "And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth."
Earthquake fault map of a portion of Washington County, Utah, (pdf) PI-85 ...

Aftermath Earthquake

By Carole Sowe
Platinum Quality Author
In the mountains, this shaking of the earth can cause plate movement where snow and rocks slide downhill in the form of landslides. What causes earthquakes?
It is believed to be a natural phenomenon caused by human themselves due to nuclear experiments or geological faults.
Another side effect is known as debris flow where thick soup of water, soil, rocks and boulders are mixed together to form a round shape "ball", rolling with a lot of water in front of it crashing into buildings and houses as it "rolls" downhill.
The underneath earthquake, known as tsunamis, also triggers huge waves, which can travel as fast as a jet airliner (up to 500 miles an hour). They can also be caused by coastal land earthquakes, and often occur in the Pacific and Indian oceans. The big force of tidal wave builds up a huge crest in a giant wall of water which can reach up to 100 feet high. It can sweep away everything in its way, often flooding the regions.
Earthquakes can be measured. Light earthquakes are only felt by instruments or people on the upper floors. The average earthquake is felt by nearly everyone where tall objects "rock" and people in moving vehicles feel the movement. The heavy earthquake is when heavy furniture overturn, ground cracks, pipes break and well-designed buildings shake badly that cause people to run outside. The massive earthquake is when landslides occur, railway breaks, bridges fall, objects flung into the air and buildings destroyed.
Recently, the aftermath of Chile's earthquake has been a big disaster where 500, 000 houses were destroyed, still a growing number of people missing, and homes and belongings lost. Electricity and water supplies were much needed in addition to food, water, clothes, medicine and shelter. Worst of all, as people became desperate to survive, they started looting causing additional problems to the government of Chile.
There are several ways to follow in order to avoid huge damage and increase the chances of survival during an earthquake, such as moving away tables and desks or other sharp and heavy equipment. Protect your head with your arms and try staying indoors under a strong structure like door beam. If you are out, move to an area away from buildings, trees, and wires. Avoid being struck by failing bricks, glass or other tools that might hurt you. If you are driving, pull over and stay in your vehicles until the shaking stops. If you are at a crowded place please do not panic as it creates dangerous mob situations which can cause injury or death. Just move away from dangerous tools and objects. If you are in the theatre, stay in your seat and protect your head with your arms.
Faults allow the blocks to move relative to each other. This movement may occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake - or may occur slowly, in the form of ...

Preparedness for Disasters Earthquake Emergency Kits for All

By Andi Murfy
Platinum Quality Author
Nature's fury is something that you cannot escape, no matter how hard you try. One form of that fury is earthquake. People living in earthquake-prone areas should always be prepared for the consequences of unwanted quakes. It is quite likely that any natural calamity can cut you off from your basic needs resources such as water, electricity, food supply and money.
A resident of an earthquake prone area should plan to stock at least 72 hour's worth of basic supplies such as water, food bars, torch lights and cash as a measure of mitigation. You can make your own kit or choose to buy a kit.
Ready-made earthquake kits are pre-packaged set of supplies that have been made with great consideration and experience that come very handy in such cases. A typical earthquake kit contains:
1. Water container with 5 gallons of water
2. Water purification tablets
3. Food bars
4. Lights with batteries
5. Radio
6. Portable toilet and sanitary bags
7. Solar blankets and ponchos
8. Universal mobile charger
9. First aid kit with medications for common ailments
Consider the needs of each individual, and either customize each kit for them, or buy separate specialized emergency kits.If you have a pet, you need to buy a pet survival kit that has all the necessary pet food and sanitary bags that can last at least 3 days. If there are people with special needs, you may have to buy a medical kit that caters for their needs. It is a good idea to have a separate first aid and survival kit for each member.
Survival kits are essential. They can help you cope with any calamity. After earthquakes, it usually takes up to 3 days for any kind of help to arrive and restore things to normal. To pull through those 72 hours, buy an emergency kit to keep you going.
Many fault ruptures seem to be bounded by bends or kinks in the faults. Allows estimates of the likely magnitude of earthquakes along fault ...

Where to Get Affordable Homeowners Insurance - Earthquake Protection

By Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker
Platinum Quality Author
Homeowners insurance earthquake protection is not included in most homeowners' policies. Therefore, if you live within a few hundred miles of a major fault line, you should consider buying an earthquake endorsement to your homeowners policy.
Earthquake policies provide protection from the shaking and cracking that can destroy buildings and personal possessions. Fire and water damage due to burst gas and water pipes is covered by standard homeowners insurance policies. The cost of an earthquake endorsement depends on the probability of an earthquake in your location, the soil type, and the building structure. The deductibles are generally ten to fifteen percent of the building's structural limit.
Comparison Shop
When you decide to buy earthquake insurance, it's important that you check the rates of several companies. You can go online to an insurance comparison website and get quote estimates from reputable companies. You'll want to be sure that the company you select is financially stable and will be able to pay claims in the case of a large earthquake affecting many homes.
Prepare for a Quake
You can also take steps to prepare your home for an earthquake. Such preparation will minimize the potential damage if a major earthquake occurs and may get you some discounts on your earthquake insurance:
* Brace your home's water heater to reduce the risk of fire and water damage that could occur if the water heater fell over
* Fasten bookcases, mirrors, televisions, and other tall or heavy appliances and pieces of furniture to wall studs so they will not fall over
* Ensure that all family members how to shut off the gas and install a gas shut off valve
* Attach childproof latches to cupboard doors so they will stay closed and the contents won't fall out
* Bolt the home's wood frame to the foundation
* If the home has a raised foundation, brace cripple walls
Some may be curious of the U.S. fault lines with earthquakes in the news lately. The fact is most states are at risk of major earthquakes, ...

2006 Earthquake Prediction Trends

By Lance Winslow
Diamond Quality Author
Earthquakes in 2005 set the pace early on, even days before 2005 got underway, as the Sumatra Earthquake created such an incredible landscape change that it sent a Tsunami barreling to shore in Indonesia. This Earthquake had 5.0 or greater aftershocks for six months. But that was hardly the only Earthquakes on our globe in 2005. Japan, which usually sees lots of seismic activity had nearly twice as many as usual. In Pakistan near the Kashmir Border 79,000 people lost their lives in 2005. There were also major Earthquakes in Peru, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and the Caribbean along with the Volcanic Activity, which follows and precedes such natural disasters in that region. We have seen Earthquake swarms around and near Mt. St. Helen minor eruption, as well and some notable activity in Earthquake prone California.
Scientists are predicting that 2006 will be a year of many Earthquakes and forewarn us of overdo timelines for Mexico City, San Francisco Bay Area, Alaska, Seattle and outside Memphis, TN. Of course even though we are learning so much from our studies of Earthquake both from CalTech and University of Tokyo, Japan; scientists still cannot pinpoint when these quakes will happen, only that they will. In studying these quakes and volcanic counterparts, Geo Scientists are pretty certain that the Earthquake trends of 2005 will continue and increase throughout 2006. There will be some large quakes this year. Think on this.
With the help of Google Maps, you can quickly see whether or ...

Earthquake Preparedness and Survival - 5 Lifesaving Tips

By Wayne Bennett

Recent Earthquakes in Japan, New Zealand, Chile are a reminder for us in California and other states at risk for the "Big One", that there are many decisions to be made very quickly in the first seconds of any disaster. Here are five tips that will improve your chances for survival.
1. Don't Run Outside- Every step you take you increase your odds of becoming injured by falling or flying debris. Glass imploding into a room is very dangerous for those still standing. The debris from collapsing buildings can fall one and one-half times the height of the building. Bricks become deadly at this point. Remember, you cannot out run an earthquake, and panic kills.
2. Drop, Cover and Hold-On- Taking cover immediately under sturdy furniture is like putting on a hard hat. The protection is immediate. Dropping to the ground also keeps you low to the ground to avoid flying glass that has imploded into the room. Do not get into doorways. Not only are they dangerous because of violently swinging doors, but doorways are actually the weakest part of the structure. Doorways are created by removing the integral part of the walls framing.
3. If You Do Become Trapped- Don't start yelling. Bad idea. All that yelling will cause you to choke and possibly suffocate on the debris dust, which is substantial following a collapse. This will also cause you to fatigue quickly at a time when you need to save your strength. Yelling will also cause you to dehydrate at a faster rate from the loss of moisture in your breath. Tapping 3 times periodically will save energy and can be detected by professional rescuers.
4. Rescue The Injured- Before you evacuate make sure to care for the injured you left behind. You should prioritize by stabilizing life threatening injuries only. It is easy to prioritize when you realize you can only die from one of three things. They are; Not Breathing, Severe Bleeding and Shock. If the victim is not breathing, you should perform a Head Tilt, Chin Lift maneuver and then place them in the Recovery Position, on their left side. Severe Bleeding can be controlled by applying a Pressure Bandage, and to manage Shock, simply raise their legs 6-12 inches.
5. Fires and Gas Leaks- To avoid losing your home to fire and becoming the start of a major conflagration in your neighborhood, you must immediately extinguish all small fires and check on gas leaks. For fires store an ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher in your home. To check for gas leaks remember, just because you don't smell gas, doesn't mean you don't have a gas leak in the walls or attic. So always check your gas meter to look for any of the dials turning on your gas meter. Store a gas shut off wrench at the meter for quick and immediate access.
As the outpouring of support for earthquake-ravaged Haiti continues, seismologists say a similar catastrophe can happen thoughout the United ...

Earthquake Emergencies - 21 Tips To Keep In Mind

By Abhishek Agarwal
Platinum Quality Author
Earthquakes are one of the most devastating among all natural disasters. A rather disturbing yet unavoidable fact for the mankind is that none of the equipments, science or measurement scales is able to predict the precise way & time of the earthquake.
The only and hence the most effective means to minimize the severe effects of earthquakes amidst the human lives is making adequate preparations for the earthquake emergencies.
In the situation of an earthquake, one feels that the ground is shaking or rolling. In case the earthquake is a very sever one, that is the movements of earth's crust are really violent, one might also hear the ground roaring or rumbling.
These characteristics of an earthquake cause sheer panic among the people. Eventually this jeopardizes one's chance of the survival. Luckily strong & devastating earthquakes do not happen that usually. Even in the locations where there is a minimal chance of earthquakes that is the places & nations that are located near the ring of fire of the earth, it is imperative to have some emergency plans to keep yourself and your family safe.
Here are some tips that might help you getting prepared for the emergencies:
1. Prepare the emergency kits
a. It is very hard to know as to what remains after the earthquakes, so in case you live in an area really prone to the earthquakes, you must keep the emergency kits ready.
b. There must be one kit for everyone in the house.
c. Each emergency kit is your lifeline ensuring your survival after the earthquake.
d. It should contain:
i. One gallon water
ii. Food supply for at least 3 days
iii. Select only non-perishable food
iv. The first aid kit
e. Make sure that you regularly change the contents of the kit like food & water.
f. Make sure that the food & water in the kit are of good edible quality else they would be of little use only.
2. Know All the Mains of All Your Utilities
a. Earthquakes often lead to fire due to gas leaks & electricity.
b. You must know the main switches of all your utilities, so that you may turn them off as & when needed.
3. Inspect the House for Cracks & Fissures
a. Make sure to check your house's condition regularly in order to ensure that it can withstand even all the strong earthquakes.
b. Make sure that there are no cracks on the walls & chimney.
c. The door frames must be fixed.
d. In case you live in some apartment, instantly report the cracks & fissures to the landlord.
4. Have the Evacuation Plan
a. Make sure that you & your family or the office mates have an emergency plan to face the disasters, like fire, earthquakes & floods.
b. Every member must be aware of their duties and safety measures in such situations.
c. Early preparation would ensure rather more safety of the family.
d. Panic & confusion often lead to accidents & injuries.
Tips to face the Earthquake Emergency while it is Overhead
1. Make sure to stay away from the objects that may fall off.
2. Make sure to stay away from the book cases, hanging objects, cabinets, like chandeliers, ceiling fans, etc.
3. It is always advisable to stay laying down under some sturdy tables and / or door frames.
4. Just don't run around.
5. Do not make an attempt to leave the house.
6. Outside the house there are rather dangerous things waiting to injure you, like lamp posts and cars.
7. The emergency kit must be very accessible and ready all the time.
8. If possible, place the emergency kit in some place where everyone in the house or the office would run in to during a quake.
9. Make sure to stay away from your kitchen. This can be the most dangerous spot of the house in case of earthquakes, with the various pots & pans hanging around & drawers full of cutlery & knives.
10. Furthermore, gas leakage in the kitchen can be quite dangerous owing to the fire involved.
After the earthquake
1. Make sure not to light a match and / or the candle immediately after the earth quake. In case the gas there is leaking, it might catch the flame.
2. Switch off the main gas valve before lighting the match or candle.
3. In case you are suspecting gas leakage, open all the windows & evacuate the house immediately.
4. Now, call your gas company, after you have moved away from the spot of gas leakage.
5. Make the call, only when you are out of that spot as the mobile phone usage in the gas can also lead to a flame.
6. Often earthquakes are followed by some aftershocks. Do not put your guards down even though you, your house and the family are all safe.
7. Check the news to get information on the earthquake & other important updates.
What is the relationship between faults and earthquakes? What happens to a fault when an earthquake occurs? How do we know a fault exists? ...

Prepare for an Earthquake - Learn Earthquake Safety

By Laurie Brenner
Platinum Quality Author
When that earthquake hits in the middle of the night - will your family be prepared?
If your family is not prepared, by the time an earthquake hits, it may be too late. You may wake up to the sound of cascading glass when that new plasma television lands face down on the floor. Preparation means to get something ready in advance of it happening. Here is how to prepare for an earthquake and learn earthquake safety.
Start by developing a disaster plan for your family - and divide the plan into two parts.
The first part of your earthquake safety disaster plan should include everything you can do ahead of time --
• Secure breakables in your home
• Develop a disaster plan
• Develop an evacuation plan - and set a meeting location
• Make a plan for pets and animals
• Review your home for structural weaknesses
• Set aside water and food reserves
• Keep extra prescriptions and eyeglasses available
During an earthquake -
• During an earthquake protect yourself and small children
• Stay positioned - don't move around until after the earthquake stops
After an earthquake -
• Check for injuries among family members
• Check for structural damage to the home
• When safe, put your safety disaster plan into action
It's important to have the details worked out in advance of when a disaster hits. After a disaster, some people may panic and having a list of what to do in an orderly fashion helps to calm people down. When your world has just been shaken, often, the best thing to do is begin checking off the things you need to do: return to some form of normalcy.
Remember that during an earthquake you can be cut off from emergency services, water, fuel, food, banks and other retail outlets for an extended period. Be prepared!
Click the markers to see video, photos, iReports and stories about the impact of the earthquake and tsunami on Japan and the Pacific Rim. ...

Have a Certain Level of Earthquake Preparedness

By Fred Booth

With the growing number of earthquakes in recent years, even in countries that are not on a fault line, it becomes more important that people have a certain earthquake preparedness about them. This does not have to take long to put together but can be detrimental in surviving during and after an earthquake.
It is important to note that after an earthquake has hit, you could be without food and supplies for weeks and your whole home could be destroyed. This makes it important to have earthquake insurance and earthquake emergency kits so that you can quickly build your life back together again without too much of an extra cost to you.
There are a few earthquake safety tips for those that live in areas that usually suffer from strong shakes of the land. The coast of California are long overdue an earthquake on a large scale while Japan have just suffered one in 2011. By following a few tips, you could be well on your way to finding less damage during the quake and not having to spend as much money on repairs afterwards.
The simplest tip is to check your home to ensure that it is as earthquake prepared as possible. This can be as simple as checking that all shelves are stable and that the larger and heavier objects are on the lower levels of shelving units, rather than the top. It may also be worth investing in non-slip mats for larger and more breakable objects.
Those homes that have a number of breakable ornaments should place them in cabinets so that they are less likely to be broken during an earthquake. All pictures and photographs should be hung so that they are not over beds or couches, to prevent them from hitting you in the middle of the night if that is when the quake hits.
It is extremely important that all cracks in the walls are taken care of immediately. These can weaken the walls and ceilings and can be extremely damaging if an earthquake should hit. It can mean getting professionals out, which can cost a lot of money, but it is better than losing your whole home when you could have done something to prevent it from happening.
Your family should have an evacuation plan in place when it comes to natural disasters. You should go through the plan with all members of the family so that they know what they are supposed to do in the case of an emergency. You should also ensure that you have a number of routes around a city to get to and from the home and also to get out. You never know when an earthquake will hit or where will be damaged the most. If you only know one route, you could find yourself blocked due to a fallen bridge or damaged road.
It is very important that every family has a certain level of earthquake preparedness. The best thing to do is ensure that your home is as earthquake-proof as possible but you should ensure that all family members are able to evacuate to get to the safest possible place.
Alternatively, you may wish to search the entire New Zealand earthquake catalogue, which will allow you to extract a data file, list events or plot a map. ...

How The Earthquake in Japan Could Effect Global Trade

By Kathryn Lively
Platinum Quality Author
When Americans woke this morning to the news of a severe earthquake that ruptured Japan and set off a tsunami wave heading toward Hawaii and the California coast, no doubt thoughts turned to the safety of Japan's people, and those affected by the earthquake and the threatening path of destruction. As the world shifts toward solutions to help these affected communities recover from the natural disaster, invariably there will come more questions. How has the earthquake in Japan affected global economy, and what does this mean for the rest of the world. While this is not the first devastation to hit the planet - and we have seen quite a bit in recent years - it is important to note that different events present different outcomes.
In January, 2010, a seven-point magnitude earthquake nearly destroyed Haiti. The result severely damaged the country's communications infrastructure and hospitals, and greatly affected the nation's agriculture. One year later, Haiti is slow to recover from the disaster despite the worldwide call for aid. Where Haiti did not have the strong economy of a world power like Japan, it is still debatable as to how much more quickly Japan will be able to rebuild. Early reports with regards to the earthquake and international stock markets have shown dramatic losses in several countries. The German DAX fell nearly seven thousand points, while US Treasury ten-year yields declined to a record low for 2011. Time will tell how the market will stand once the dust settles.
How will this natural disaster impact global trade? How does any devastation affect the economy? In the case of Japan, which is the third largest economy in the world and top exporter, one can estimate that her major trading partners will see an immediate shortage of goods. As one of the top consumers of crude oil, suppliers may find negotiations for selling oil to the island nation paused while it is determined what Japan needs first in order to survive. Business websites and wires have reported drops in prices on agricultural commodities like grains, and with certain global currencies depending on the strength of the yen, it is important to watch the stock market for changes.
With a major trade partner crippled, other economies will experience price fluctuations and likely search for alternative countries until Japan is stabilized. What is important here, however, is the preservation of the country and her people. Natural disasters tend to bring global communities together for guaranteed relief, and here's hoping the world responds to Japan's call.
Major earthquakes of the world have caused devastation all across the world. World map of major earthquakes will show major earthquakes, location of their ...

Impact of Japan's Earthquake on World and Indian Economy

By Kumar Pankaj

Japan was hit by an earthquake of magnitude 8.9 on March 11. This massive earthquake led to major human tragedy in Japan killing more than 30000 people, leaving many injured, and many other still missing. The earthquake and the tsunami also struck nuclear installations in Fakushima Dai-chi power plant. Because of disruption in the power supply, the coolant cannot be supplied to the nuclear reactors in the required amount, which raises the risk of radiation leak. Already traces of radiations have been detected in some of the food items and the water in Tokyo, which is located 220 KM south of the Fakushima.
Impact on Japanese Economy - Since Japan meets about 30% of its energy from nuclear based power plant, power supply to most of the parts in the country has been affected leading to closure of many factories. There has also been widespread damage to the infrastructure because of which there has been supply disruptions of many of the critical raw material components. Most of the automakers including Toyota, Honda, and Nissan have closed their plants for the lack of raw materials, and the reduced power supply. Manufacturers of semiconductors, LCD displays, batteries etc have also shut down their plants for at least next 2-3 weeks. Some of the major ports of Japan have been affected by the crisis impacting both the exports and imports based industries in the country. According to one estimate, cost of reconstruction is expected to cross $300 Billion. Japan will find it difficult to fund this construction because of its high debt which is already 200% of its GDP. Also the country has witnessed lacklustre growth over last two decades, and this earthquake triggered crisis might further push Japanese economy in downward spiral.
Impact on World's economy - Japan is the third largest economy in the World, after US and China. It is also the second largest buyer of US funds. Since Japan will need money to fund its reconstruction, it might cash in the US bonds. This will force US fed to buy these bonds, and which will induce liquidity crunch in the US market. Similarly Japanese investment firms have made lots of investment across world's capital markets. The pullout of the Japanese fund might lead to fall in stock prices in these markets in short term. The other major impact of Japan's earthquake will be on the crude oil. Since most of the nuclear power plants of Japan have went offline, Japan will depend more and more on crude oil to meet its energy needs. Japan has number of oil fired power plants, and to meet its energy needs, it might buy more oil from the world market. The crude oil prices, which were already on upward trend, will see a further spike as a result of this. The rise in crude oil prices will impact the world's economy in short term. Japan is the major producer of many of the items including auto components, semiconductors, LCD displays etc. Disruptions to the production of these major items will lead to the supply chain disruptions of these items in the world market. This will delay the production of high end gadgets like smart phones, iPads, LCD TV, laptops etc and cars. This will make a dent in the manufacturers' profit.
Impact on India economy - Indian stock market dropped by 0.8% on the news of Japanese earthquake. But the market recovered next day. Killer earthquake which hit Japan is expected to have a marginal impact on the Indian economy. Most direct impact will be the pull out of Japan's investments in the Indian capital market. Japanese investment firms will draw money from the Indian market to fund the Japanese reconstruction. This will have a negative impact on the stock market in short term. Japanese have also made investment in number of important infrastructure projects in the country such as Delhi Metro, Delhi Mumbai corridor etc. These projects might see delay because of lack of availability of funds. Surge in the crude oil prices because of increased demand of oil in Japan will also impact the Indian economy which is already reeling under inflation. Automobile companies will be negatively affected by the crisis, since they depend on Japan for the supply of many of their critical auto components. Also because of increase in the value of Yen (as a result of lack of yen supply), there will be an increase in the cost of these auto components. Japan's refinery capacities have also been affected by the quake. This will have positive effect on Indian petrochemical firms such as Reliance. Indian IT industry will be marginally impacted by the crisis, since most of the IT firms derive only 1-2% of their revenue from Japanese market. Only IT firm which has high exposure to Japan market is Nucleus Software Exports which derives 30% of its revenue from the country. Crisis will have a minor impact on Indian exports, since Japan accounts for less than 3% of total Indian exports. Thus the recent earthquakes which hit Japan will have marginal impact on Indian economy
Global Incident Map Displaying Terrorist Acts, Suspicious Activity, and General Terrorism News.

2009 Trends in Earthquake Prediction Science

By Lance Winslow
Diamond Quality Author
We are nearly on the edge of science that can help us predict Earthquakes. The Japanese can alert their citizens of Earthquakes about 20-seconds prior to the shaking, no this is not a lot of time, but it may be enough time to help people get away from objects that might fall on them.
The news carried stories of elephants running for the hills prior to the big Tsunami, but how did they know this? Are they hardwired to feel these rumblings? Many have observed pets and animals exhibiting atypical behavior sometimes days before a big earthquake, what do they know that we do not and more importantly how do they know it?
What are the biological senses that allow for this? Is it just a factor of cataclysmic evolution, a through back, perhaps one that homo species once had, but has long forgotten with no chance of recovery now due to our over electronic world?
There were islander Indians on in Indonesia that ran for the hills, did they know something, are they more in touch with nature than we, did they observe their native animals and follow suit? What do they know that our modern science has over looked?
One of the newest discoveries was made by someone looking at satellite data and imagery information taken prior to large Earthquakes. Apparently, prior to larger Earthquakes frequencies not visible to the naked eye are observed, and another scientist found that temperatures increase slightly before Earthquakes also, these temperature increases can be seen in the infrared spectrum.

The Earthquake in Japan Affects Us All!

By Simon Patnick

Ok, so first things first. The earthquake that struck Japan last week followed by the Tsunami and subsequent aftershocks is a terrible tragedy for Japan its people and all associated and affected by it. My heart goes out to the whole country.
I cannot see how anyone could not be moved by the images and the scenes of destruction shown by the media.
I have been asked by my team here how this will affect us over here and in our business. Clearly our hope is that our Japanese customers are OK and unaffected by the quake, however right now we are yet to hear.
Right now there is a huge shortage of electrical components due to the earthquake in Japan. The Financial Times (FT) states that 30% of the worlds flash memory (our USB's included) are made in Japan! 10-15% of D-Ram which is a key component in every personal computer also made in Japan along with approximately 40% of the worlds technology components.
Toshiba Corporation, the world's second-largest maker of NAND chips after South Korea's Samsung, has halted operations at its plants in areas affected by rolling power outages. Also, Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. and Sumco Corp., which both make silicon wafers needed to produce semiconductors, have temporarily stopped operations because of damage from the earthquake.
Clearly there will also be huge impact on the car industry with Honda, Toyota, and Nissan all having huge manufacturing plants making vehicle parts in North east Japan.
When supply goes down the price goes up, simple economics!
Any flash memory that was available to the market was brought in bulk by Apple, Dell and HP over the weekend leaving the world with massive shortages, hence the increases we are seeing daily in the price of USB's. It is unlikely to end in a couple of weeks and my gut feeling is that prices have some way to go before they come down again. I would advise clients to buy when they need and to accept the increases, I don't believe this problem will be going away anytime soon!
Last Friday's earthquake and subsequent tsunami killed more than 10,000 people, while millions remain without power or adequate food. Near-freezing temperatures have forced 450,000 Japanese into shelters. Concerns continue to rise about radiation leakage from Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant. Despite the Japanese government pumping $183 billion of emergency funds into its economy, the country's stock market has fallen more than 10% in the last two days.
Christchurch Quake Map

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  • 2011 - Numerology of the Japan Earthquake and 1st Quarter Update

    By Richard Andrew King
    Here's a brief note on numbers to consider. The year 2011 is manifesting itself exactly as its numbers predict. The "11" master number which identifies this calendar year is, as always, demonstrating its powers of:
    • Tension
    • Confliction
    • Division
    • Opposition
    • Anxiety
    • Partnership
    • Balance and Imbalance (two sides of the same coin)
    The 9.0 Japan earthquake (updated by the USGS from the original 8.9) is ranked as one of the five largest earthquakes in recorded history. Reportedly, the monster quake moved the entire island of Japan eight feet and shifted the planet on its axis by 4 inches! The date of the quake, of course, was 11 March 2011. Notice the "11" bookends. In numerology the number "11" is a master number of high intensity and action.
    In other worldly notes, riots for equality, and the tensions, struggles and conflicts to create equality (the higher octave of the 11-2 energy) are globally ubiquitous, not just in the Middle East but in America and other countries as well, as witnessed by the division in global political systems. The number "11" places one entity (1) against another entity (1), whether those entities are people, political systems, nations or ideologies.
    The subcap of 2011 is a 9 (11 minus 2 = 9). The 9 references all things universal. It is the number of mankind, the public stage, the world in general, endings, conclusions. Nine is a number of power and rulership. The addcap of 2011 is a 13 ( 2 + 11 = 13), the number of death and transformation in structures, routines, regimes, order, security, stability, and the established status quo. Thus, 2011 is a year of others (2) in conflict (11), manifesting global challenges for all people (9) in a state of transformation (13).
    Furthermore, 2011 is the first year of the "Teen Years" - a nine year period in which the self, the 1, is dominant. Every year until the year 2020 will be governed by egos (individual people, countries, groups, ideologies, etc.) focusing on a new number energy. In 2012 the focus of this 1 energy will be on relationship and others (2) with potential losses (14-5 addcap) and new beginnings (10-1 subcap). The Teen Years are often difficult because of the saturation of the egocentric energy of the 1. Just think of how teenagers 'know it all' and you'll understand the challenges the teen years present to the entire earth in these Teen Years of the 2nd Millennium.
    This is not a surprise. This current millennium is based in the number 2 (its master number is "11") and the immense issues it creates in areas of equality, relationships, others, Yin (female) energy, opposition, balance, imbalance, indirect action, social media, and so forth. Furthermore, this thousand year period is just beginning. The Millennia Shift (the change between the last thousand years of the 1 and the current thousand years of the 2) began on 31 December 1957 and will not conclude until 31 December 2031, so there will be more adjustments to experience as the 2 (Two) energy continues to grow, having replaced the 1 (One) energy of the last thousand years.
    2011 is manifesting as its numerical structure depicts. Marked by global tension and transformation, its energies affect individuals, groups, and nations. Furthermore, 2011 marks the beginning of the "Teen Years" in which there will be a concentration of egocentric energy. Make no mistake, this is a most difficult and challenging time in Earth's history. Most poignantly, this is not so much a brave new world but a new world in which we must all learn to be brave, disciplined, strong, courageous, patient, balanced, kind, caring and unselfish.
    California-Nevada Fault Maps

    The Powerful Japan Earthquake

    By Marieta Maglas

    Because one Tectonic plate was sliding under the other plate
    The powerful Japan earthquake shifted the earth's axis position
    Deforming it and that temblor already had caused Earth to rotate
    Faster than before when Hawaii reached these waves transmission.
    This temblor may have affected the length of the Earth's days
    So,each day may be quite two microseconds shorter than before.
    Some parts of this country were moved twelve feet as scientists say,
    The tremors sent a monster tsunami which slammed into the shore.
    The aftershocks were rapidly continuing without decreasing in frequency
    While a rupture near the boundary between those tectonic plates occured.
    Usually, the Pacific plate slowly moves to westwards at a very low velocity.
    This quake was caused by Pacific and American plates boundary rupture.
    The dissipation of the heat from the mantle was a real source of energy
    For Pacific plate thrusting underneath the Japan and Eurasia plate.
    This drive of plate tectonics was possible because of the excess density,
    'Cause lithosphere became dense by cooling until having a solid state.
    The boundary between the Australian and Pacific tectonic plates
    Are part of the "Ring of Fire" and runs from south of Fiordland
    Along the line of the Southern Alps, beneath wonderful Cook Strait,
    Capital of Wellington, and out to sea through the eastern North Island.
    A section of the prehistoric supercontinent Gondwana broke away
    Eighty million years ago comprising a few slithers of land left to drift
    Coalescing into a new continent,Zealandia,under the Southern sun's ray.
    When magma heated continental crust above to crack open to form a rift.
    Due to seismic activity, sea levels temporary fluctuated looking so glum
    Zealandia sank beneath sea level letting New Zealand to be a remnant.
    The pressure of opposing tectonic plates caused the Alpine Fault to come.
    The Southern Alps rose above the water looking like the moon's crescent.
    Earth's surface is recycled through the volcanic emission and subduction.
    The quake can be caused by a rupture near the boundary between plates.
    The causes are high the level of carbone dioxide and sometimes erosion,
    But when the rupture is big, it can become a real monstruous Hell's gate.

    Earthquake Aftermath - The Devastation

    By Lila Renrik

    As if the 7.1 quake in Canterbury New Zealand on September 4th 2010 and the subsequent four thousand plus aftershocks continuing into February 2011 weren't enough to test our grit the earth decided to throw Cantabrians another curve ball but one that struck with far more devastating consequences.
    We were incredibly lucky in the September quake to have no loss of life and only a couple of serious injuries. Although several buildings were destroyed, the damage to a large number was considered not so severe that they couldn't be restored. A few suburbs were badly affected by what is known as liquefaction, a phenomenon where soil or sandy soil loses its strength and acts like liquid, spewing out a grey sludgy mix that sets like concrete again when it dries. The results being the loss of essential services like sewerage, water and power but life and a semblance of normality improved rapidly as these services were restored to the city and restoration work got under way.
    At 12.51pm on the 22nd February 2011 Christchurch in New Zealand was again shaken by a ferocious earthquake, this time with a magnitude of 6.3. Although registering less on the Richter scale than our September 4th quake it was far more severe in its attack and destruction, taking out several blocks of shops and high-rise buildings in the Central Business District. Falling debris flattening buses and cars as they drove past or were parked on the roadsides or in car-parking buildings. The destruction to houses & roads also spread much further into the suburbs than in the previous earthquake, causing 80% of the city to be without power, water and sewerage.
    The most heart-rending of all, in this horrifying event, is the tragic loss of life with the death toll at one hundred and thirteen and still rising plus at least another two hundred missing at the time of writing this.
    So why has this latest quake been so much more devastating than September's one?
    Here are some differences:
    September Quake
    • 7.1 magnitude
    • 10.95 kms deep
    • 648 kilo tons of energy
    • 37.3 kms from Christchurch city square
    • 4.35 am time of quake (most people sleeping and central city empty)
    February Quake
    • 6.3 magnitude
    • 5 kms deep (very shallow)
    • 42 kilo tons of energy
    • 9.7 kms from Christchurch city square (very close)
    • 12.51 pm time of quake (lunch time and central city full of workers and shoppers)
    So although February's quake was a lesser magnitude it was much shallower, closer to the city centre and struck in the peak of the working day. The movement of both quakes also seemed to shake everything quite differently, putting different and extra stresses on buildings already weakened by the first quake. The restoration of the city is going to take many months, remembering too, that a huge number of people now have no jobs to go to as there work premises were destroyed.
    Yes we are shaken and there are deep emotional scars but we are not totally broken. We are survivors, we band together in such times and will pick ourselves up out of this mountain of rubble and continue on.

    Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Fallout

    By Deidre Glendon

    My heart goes out to the people of Japan. In 1970 I was a member of a hula troupe and we performed at The Narugo Hotel in Nagoya for three months. After landing in Tokyo, our troupe boarded the 'bullet train' to Sendai (the northern capital of Japan). Then we rode by car for a couple of hours until we reached our hotel. The people at the hotel and the President of the hotel, President Kumagai and his wife Mama San greeted us with broad and welcoming smiles. They bowed deeply and we bowed in return. We were taken to a room in the hotel where we were treated with a special dinner of sukiyaki made and served the authentic Japanese way. We were instructed every step of the way about how to proceed with adding each ingredient into the bowl of hot soup. What struck me the most was the genteel, polite and respectful way in which the people treated us. I felt so much aloha in Japan. I loved the people and never forgot their hospitality. When it was time to return home even though I was homesick, I was sad to leave the country.
    When the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, I was taken back in time when I was there many years ago. My memories of northern Japan (Sendai, Narita and Nagoya) came back to me crystal clear. It was as if I had just been there. I remembered the beauty of the countryside with it's deep green color. The numerous fishing boats with their fishing nets dotted the ocean ports. The humility of the people was astounding. They spoke with low voices not calling attention to themselves. At one point during my experience in Japan, I contemplated staying there. I have been riveted to the television even though others may have had their fill of the news coverage. I had lived through a disaster, Hurricane Iniki on the island of Kauai that hit on September 11, 1992. This was a level 4 hurricane that leveled the entire island. I lost my home. For five days I was in shock. I thought I was going to die along with many other people. I'll never forget that sinking and helpless feeling. This is another reason why my heart goes out to the people of Japan. When you've lived through a disaster you carry a deep sense of compassion for others during times of need. Please pray for the Japanese people and their country. Whatever happened there could just as easily happen anywhere else. Have compassion, integrity and love. Visualize engulfing the country with positive energies and with white light. You may also visualize different colors of light such as violet for protection (the light of forgiveness), green for healing, blue for calmness and pink for love. We're all in this life together. Whatever happened in Japan could just as well happen to us.