Have a Certain Level of Earthquake Preparedness

By Fred Booth

With the growing number of earthquakes in recent years, even in countries that are not on a fault line, it becomes more important that people have a certain earthquake preparedness about them. This does not have to take long to put together but can be detrimental in surviving during and after an earthquake.
It is important to note that after an earthquake has hit, you could be without food and supplies for weeks and your whole home could be destroyed. This makes it important to have earthquake insurance and earthquake emergency kits so that you can quickly build your life back together again without too much of an extra cost to you.
There are a few earthquake safety tips for those that live in areas that usually suffer from strong shakes of the land. The coast of California are long overdue an earthquake on a large scale while Japan have just suffered one in 2011. By following a few tips, you could be well on your way to finding less damage during the quake and not having to spend as much money on repairs afterwards.
The simplest tip is to check your home to ensure that it is as earthquake prepared as possible. This can be as simple as checking that all shelves are stable and that the larger and heavier objects are on the lower levels of shelving units, rather than the top. It may also be worth investing in non-slip mats for larger and more breakable objects.
Those homes that have a number of breakable ornaments should place them in cabinets so that they are less likely to be broken during an earthquake. All pictures and photographs should be hung so that they are not over beds or couches, to prevent them from hitting you in the middle of the night if that is when the quake hits.
It is extremely important that all cracks in the walls are taken care of immediately. These can weaken the walls and ceilings and can be extremely damaging if an earthquake should hit. It can mean getting professionals out, which can cost a lot of money, but it is better than losing your whole home when you could have done something to prevent it from happening.
Your family should have an evacuation plan in place when it comes to natural disasters. You should go through the plan with all members of the family so that they know what they are supposed to do in the case of an emergency. You should also ensure that you have a number of routes around a city to get to and from the home and also to get out. You never know when an earthquake will hit or where will be damaged the most. If you only know one route, you could find yourself blocked due to a fallen bridge or damaged road.
It is very important that every family has a certain level of earthquake preparedness. The best thing to do is ensure that your home is as earthquake-proof as possible but you should ensure that all family members are able to evacuate to get to the safest possible place.
Alternatively, you may wish to search the entire New Zealand earthquake catalogue, which will allow you to extract a data file, list events or plot a map. ...