Spain Earthquake 2011 : Bendandi Prediction?

An earthquake shook Spain twice in a row on Wednesday, May 11. So far the quake has killed 10 people and dozens others injured. The quake also damaged several buildings.
spain earthquake 2011 Spain Earthquake 2011 : Bendandi Prediction?
An earthquake measuring 4.4 and 5.2 on the Richter scale (SR), the local meteorological agency version, centered near the town of Lorca. The second earthquake occurred approximately 2 hours after the first quake. It is the largest earthquake victims in Spain in 50 years.
Local government officials said, the dozens of people who suffered injuries in hospital emergency created in a city of approximately 85 thousand soul. Approximately 270 patients who were hospitalized in Lorca, were evacuated in anticipation for the hospital building slightly damaged after the quake.
spain eartquake survivor Spain Earthquake 2011 : Bendandi Prediction?
Office of the Prime Minister of Spain is officially set the number of people killed as many as 10 people, while Murcia government office said the death toll includescasualties from the second quake.
Boulders and bricks from the outside of a church building collapsed due to earthquake. Large church bell was also seen amongst the ruins of a church that collapsed. A Spanish television station showed footage of several cars crushed by debris and visible large cracks in the walls of the building.
Some residents who frantically gathered in open areas and provide news to their families through cell phones. Many residents who decided to make a tent and spend the night in a park or other open areas, fearing aftershocks will occur. Thus was launched the Associated Press, Thursday (12/05/2011).
Lorca Spain Earthquake Spain Earthquake 2011 : Bendandi Prediction?
A seismologist from United States Geological Survey (USGS), John Bellini said the first quake had a larger force that is 5.3 SR. The quake centered 350 kilometers southeast of Madrid and occurred at 6:47 pm local time. The quake centered at a depth of 10 kilometers.
Aftershocks of a smaller scale that is 4.5 SR. The first earthquake, according to Bellini, belonging to the earthquake is and can cause structural damage to old buildings.
In 1915 Raffaele Bendandi Italian seismologists predict that the “big earthquake” will attack Rome on May 11, 2011.
Developing panic recently when rumors spread of social media including Facebook, Twitter.
“Rome was not any earthquake risk,” said Enzo Boschi, the head of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology.
“There was never a strong earthquake is confirmed in this city,” he said.
Rome mayor Gianni Alemanno also rejected rumors that said that the Romans would not listen to baseless speculation. “I believe Rome is too serious to be deceived by the kind of rubbish,” he said.
Business Reports indicate that one in five people have asked off work and some parents keep their children at home, not school or out of town on that day.
Many shops in the downtown area of Rome is closed on Tuesday night and Wednesday, because the shopkeepers to leave a notice that they closed their doors because of “illness” or “take inventory.”
All forecasts bendandi indeed occurred not in Italy but it happens in Lorca, Spain. Date predict earthquakes in bendandi was appropriate, 11 May 2011, just a different place.

May 21st Doomsday Talks of an Earthquake Bringing in the Rapture

May 21st Doomsday! Please tell me that you do not believe in this May 21st Doomsday or Rapture. Well, if you do, you will be raptured or destroyed in hours so you better do whatever you want to do REALLY quick!

May 21st Doomsday Rapture Judgment

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta has issued a Zombie Apocalypse warning. Seriously. Well, sort of seriously.
The CDC is joking, of course. It turns out that basically all the precautions for a Zombie Apocalypse are the same things that you would do in the event of a natural disaster like a flood, earthquake, or hurricane.

Zombie Apocalypse CDC

So, here is the thing: May 21st 2011 has nothing to do with the Mayans at all. It is a date that has been made famous by a radio preacher from California. Harold Camping, 89, first said that the world would end in 1994 – when that did not happen he said that he had made a mathematical error and that the new date would be May 2011.


December 21st 2012 – a date that is well known globally. Several hundred years ago, the Ancient Mayans predicted the apocalypse on this very date. With their 5,125 year old calendar resetting itself to on this date, many are preparing for the worst. However, how legit is the prophecy of the Mayans? Here are the top ten reasons why the world will not end in 2012:


Daily it seems that we are getting more and more reports of natural disasters wreaking havoc on the earth. The last week has seen massive storm systems rip across the United States from Texas to New York. Yesterday more than 250 people were killed as dozens of tornadoes rampaged through Tennessee, Mississippi, Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, and Georgia. More than 170 deaths have been reported in Alabama alone.

are natural disasters increasing as 2012 approaches

Mayan prophecies for 2012. What are the Mayan prophecies? There are so many questions that need answered about the Mayans… get your answers here in the Mayan Prophecies 101 broadcast!

Mayan Prophecies for 2012

What does my name mean in regards to my life choices?
There is a new study on the self-fulfilling prophecy of names. The study suggests that someone named Dennis is more likely to become a dentist than a butcher… although it admits that a fair amount of Dentists are NOT named Dennis.

What Does My Name Mean

Mayan Long Count Calendar – After over 5,126 years, the Mayan long count calendar is coming to an end. The long count was not the only calendar used by the Mayans. They had two yearly calendars: the solar and the religious. They also had a 52-year span called a calendar round. After reading this article, you will have a firm grasp of the Mayan system for calendars and further understand the significance of the long count.

Superstorm Looms for California

Scientists have made a bold prediction about California’s weather.  Over 100 scientists claim  that California could be devastated in a massive “superstorm” that could flood a quarter of the state and result in 100′s of billions of dollars  worth of damage. The experts claim this storm could be 4 times more destructive than the worst earthquake.
The U.S. Geological Survey warns that these  “superstorms” have happened in the past, and can happen again. Its been 150 years since the last totally devastating weather hit California, but it hit hard. The entire Central Valley was flooded . They had to move the state capital and  Governor Leland Stanford had to take a rowboat to his  inauguration.
Because of rising temperatures the risk of a new “Superstorm” is rising.  Scientists have predicted it could last for more than 40 days (like most plagues in the Bible) and dump 10 feet of water on the state. The power of such a storm would be like 50 of the largest rivers pouring down from a massive cloud, the Abraham Cloud.
The cycle for these massive storms seems to be the same for San Andreas Earthquakes, once every 150-200 years.


Scientists have admitted making a big mistake when it comes to predicting the “BIG ONE”. Strong earthquakes happen three times as often as previously thought.  New data shows that massive earthquakes happen every 45-144 years  on the San Andreas Fault,  instead of the previously established 250-400 years.  This translates into a huge threat to Southern California. The “Big One” is overdue, and could happen at any time.s
A 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck southern California in 1857 ( 153 years ago ) so the “Big One” is already  9 years overdue and devastation could happen at any time.