Superstorm Looms for California

Scientists have made a bold prediction about California’s weather.  Over 100 scientists claim  that California could be devastated in a massive “superstorm” that could flood a quarter of the state and result in 100′s of billions of dollars  worth of damage. The experts claim this storm could be 4 times more destructive than the worst earthquake.
The U.S. Geological Survey warns that these  “superstorms” have happened in the past, and can happen again. Its been 150 years since the last totally devastating weather hit California, but it hit hard. The entire Central Valley was flooded . They had to move the state capital and  Governor Leland Stanford had to take a rowboat to his  inauguration.
Because of rising temperatures the risk of a new “Superstorm” is rising.  Scientists have predicted it could last for more than 40 days (like most plagues in the Bible) and dump 10 feet of water on the state. The power of such a storm would be like 50 of the largest rivers pouring down from a massive cloud, the Abraham Cloud.
The cycle for these massive storms seems to be the same for San Andreas Earthquakes, once every 150-200 years.


Scientists have admitted making a big mistake when it comes to predicting the “BIG ONE”. Strong earthquakes happen three times as often as previously thought.  New data shows that massive earthquakes happen every 45-144 years  on the San Andreas Fault,  instead of the previously established 250-400 years.  This translates into a huge threat to Southern California. The “Big One” is overdue, and could happen at any time.s
A 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck southern California in 1857 ( 153 years ago ) so the “Big One” is already  9 years overdue and devastation could happen at any time.