How Earthquake Retrofitting Prevents Structural Damage

By Vishal Ingole Platinum Quality Author

One wonders why observation is not enough to make you learn something. Why does it have to be experience always that can teach you how to protect yourself? So many earthquakes have come over the years in every part of the world. Each year thousands of people lose their houses and property in the wake of this natural calamity. Still people do not recognize the importance of earthquake retrofitting. Every structure and every building is vulnerable to structural damage which comes with earthquake. So when we know the danger, why guarantee ourselves a death by not retrofitting the house? All this process, also called foundation bolting, requires is to add foundation bolts into the concrete though a wooden piece that is placed on top of the foundation. Just by doing this little favor, you can protect your house from becoming shaky when earthquake hits the ground.
The foundation bolts are of two types, expansion foundation bolts and epoxy set foundation bolts. If you have newly built your house the type of bolt you require for successful earthquake retrofitting is expansion bolts. They are less costly and are good for areas more prone to earthquake damage. If the foundation is old, adding epoxy bolts will work well. They should be deeply added into the concrete to ensure better protection.
A term less technical and somewhat similar in purpose to earthquake retrofitting is earthquake proofing. Earthquake proofing refers to making your house resistant to the severe damage earthquakes causes. There are varieties of products in the market to protect you and your property only if instead of ignoring you make use of them at the right time. Home improvement stores have furniture-saving kits which you can use to secure your cabinets, furniture and other such possessions. Apart from this, to earthquake proof your house you can secure your refrigerators and other home appliances by making them stick to the walls. The makers are more concerned about the customer's safety rather than the customer himself. They attach angle clips to the top of the refrigerators so that it can be bolted to the wall only if the customer notices it. Computers and other equipment wherein lies the life of most of us can be protected by placing on them nylon straps that too can be bolted to walls.
Thus through a lot of ways we can save ourselves from the devastation earthquake can bring to your life and property. Earthquake proofing and earthquake retrofitting is a prevention measure to be taken in order to avoid the damage. Once calamity hits, it will take only seconds to reduce an unbolted house to debris. It is either now or never!
Vishal has been providing his SEO-Services for about 4 years now. Also he's written a lot about it and also on many different topics, for writing is his passion. You can see earthquake retrofitting for more articles on the relevant topic or you can visit the website where this topic is being blogged about earthquake proofing