The Coming Tsunami

By Keith Rowley

Much has been said in disparate quarters of late of the possibility and indeed the desirability of returning the world's economies to a basis of real, tangible value which governments cannot counterfeit and print at will. Is this a good idea? Of course it is, but mark my words well: governments will confiscate every last ounce of gold and silver from you before they permit such a thing to happen. Their jobs and credibility depend on the illusion of power through the medium of worthless paper.  As do the livelihoods of millions of financial manipulators who grow no food, mine no coal or metal, manufacture no goods. They are parasites and should be discarded along with their political cronies.
 Allowing governments to print money has undermined the validity and viability of democracy. Nations cannot live on debt any more than individuals can - not indefinitely. But politicians need to print money in order to buy votes.
In a modern democracy, this 'Big Brother' or 'Uncle Sam' effect has sapped the qualities of individual independence by which people previously thrived. We need to feel insecure to succeed, and not to have Big Brother permeating every aspect of our lives with fake promises and worthless money that feeds debt to the next generation. Modern democracy, supported by the crutches of fiat money has bred weakness and dependence. It has created the illusion of government power in the real world of wealth creation and subverted the general understanding of value, freedom and accountability. When we work half of our lives for Big Brother (or Uncle Sam) to pay for his debts and for the largesse with which he pays for votes, we are no longer free - we are slaves. Even a Roman slave was permitted to work half the year for himself. In many democracies this is not the case.
So let's take our freedom back, and let's begin by not accepting fraudulent government paper - let's deal in real value - in silver and gold if and when we can.
Yes! Let's return to real money backed by Gold and other tangible products of human productivity. In this way we'd soon be rid of the appalling biblical plagues comprised of inflation, insupportable debt, government profligacy at the expense of the future, mass dependency on the state, and a generally destructive collectivist mindset. We'd also have a good deal less war if governments did not have the capacity to in debt future generations to pay for it.
Anyway, once the dollar, the British pound and Euro collapse (inevitable?!) do be wise and if you can, and keep a few gold bullion coins to one side so you can at least feed your family. The Tsunami is coming and gold will buy you bread when the crap hits the fan. Here in South Africa, we've seen it next door in Zimbabwe - don't think it can't happen in the US and Europe - the only thing keeping those countries afloat is (rapidly declining) confidence in intrinsically worthless paper and a huge overdraft with China. Once the British and US governments have reached the end of their borrowing capacity, the depression will take full hold and the disintegration of the dollar will bring catastrophe to the US's creditors, China and Japan.
Japanese authorities are racing to rescue those trapped in the rubble after an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and a tsunami left hundreds dead and ...