Mother Gaia Is Mad!

By Rosemary Mac Gregor and Rashid Herrera

It is time for humans to change their ways and to do it sustainably and immediately, or Mother Gaia seems to be showing us that if we don't love and respect all aspects of this earth and each other, she will do it for us.
This is only the beginning of Spring 2011 and look at what we are facing worldwide. Dictators are being toppled in Egypt and Algeria, revolution breaks out in Syria and Libya, social unrest is boiling over the surface all over the Middle East, flood waters are drowning towns and countrysides from the United States to Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia and Australia, volcanoes are rumbling and erupting, and just this month a record breaking and devastating earthquake, tsunami and serious radioactive fallout has stricken Japan and may be affecting the rest of the world in many ways.
What is interesting to me about these calamities is that in many cases the surviving peoples have been reduced to the basics and will be forced in many incidents to start over and return to a simpler more basic subsistence. Hopefully, they will do it right this time. Many others are getting a scary wake-up call. We talk of North America as being a consumer maggot, brain dead, manipulated and fat.
China is looked as the rising star but maybe not. China's economy is based on the very items that are purchased by North America and other worldly consumer states and cannot be sustained without continuing purchasing power. They do not buy their own gadgets for the most part, and they are also on the edge of a real estate bubble not too different from ours. Building is taking place everywhere in China and there are many still unfinished buildings.
This could come to a screeching halt at any moment. We must get back to basics. What are those? If you had to pack a suitcase to save yourself should some calamity happen, what would you take with you?...only one small suitcase. Look at your present environment, your closets, your drawers full of items, gadgets, toys, (NECESSITIES, RIGHT?), and then look at your little suitcase filled with what you would take with you. This is what people are going through worldwide, from fires, floods, wars, tsunamis, volcanoes, etc. Many didn't pack that suitcase, didn't have time and came back to nothing. Ok, so let's go back to basics and see if we can't lead a different lifestyle. We need to keep mother Gaia happy. What would back-to-the-basics look like? No more excesses, no more BAILING out, no more clear cutting forests but planting small plots around our homes to help feed our family, grass fed cows, chickens, pigs, goats, etc., composting and using waste to build the soils, basic herbal pesticides and no chemicals, never dumping waste into rivers or our oceans (planetary toilets), using natural plant medicines, choosing wisely what we put in our mouths to feed our body and soul, eating so as to not get sick and need insurance and an on-going health care system, water-catchment systems, septic systems, and finally energy systems like cold fusion or other new free energy systems, bartering, trading, and helping others.
The older Chinese used to have a system where the Doctor's job was to keep you well and be paid only if you were well. Our forefathers were entrenched in all these ways and life was tough. Unfortunately, man's mind set of kill, destroy, sex and power-seeking seems to have gotten the better of mankind and money began to rule all, rather than caring about the planet and each other. The mind in a Democracy sees itself as limitless and maybe that is not good. Well, Mother Gaia is speaking up and hopefully she is not too late. Her message is not that I will bail you out, but rather is "respect me, love me and grow me". Anything else will not be acceptable. If there ever was a God, she is it.
Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami. Move the slider to compare satellite images, taken by GeoEye, from before ...