A Million Dead Sardines - Was Nature Warning Us of an Impending Earthquake?

By Mark W. Medley
Diamond Quality Author
When a million dead sardines floated in and around Redondo Beach, California, on the morning of March 8th, 2011, everyone was both astonished and amazed by this sight. Only three days later, a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the northern coast of Japan. Was the sudden appearance of these dead fish, a warning of an impending super quake?
Everyday areas close to the fault lines of the Worlds quake zones regularly have minor tremors, as this restless belt collides. Perhaps on the morning of March 8th, a mini earthquake deep in our seas caught a large school of sardines and poisoned them.
We aware about the chain reaction of earthquakes, as the fault lines are interlinked. There may be one quake in one area of along this giant fault, and a chain reaction occurs further along this dangerous line that criss crosses our planet.
Seismologists around our world are conscious of this natural knock on effect of any quake, but are often powerless to predict where any quake will strike next. Perhaps nature could help, as the sudden mass death of our marine life, could signal a possibility of a future earthquake.
Inside the quake zone, a small dedicated group of people observe the intricate and often destructive movements of this fault line, and perhaps one day, an occurrence of the major death of scores of sea life, could help to predict a probable quake along this fault line.
Our mythical past also could hold a clue to how nature could warn us on an impending disaster. Inside many ancient holy books from all beliefs, we can find a link between the unnatural death of our animal and marine life, preceding another tragic event such as an earthquake or tsunami.
Ancient man often saw the signs of a similar occurrence to the million dead fish as a prelude to another more devastating event. And perhaps this was simply an event on the fault lines, which have existed for millions of years that created a similar event like the Japanese earthquake.
When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 24 AD, burying the cities of Pompeii Stabiae, and Herculaneum. Records show that scores of birds had fallen before the great eruption, and became part of the ancient myth that the Gods were angry with Rome.
Two thousand years later New Zealand experienced the odd occurrence of a school of beached whales dying, preceding the Christchurch earthquake. Strangely enough the mass sardine deaths in California also occurred days before the Tohuku quake and tsunami.
Was the sudden death of this immense number of fish, nature warning us that somewhere along this fault line, the second chain reaction would be the tragic mega quake in Japan?
A deadly 8.9 earthquake struck Japan, one of the largest earthquakes in the history of Japan. A massive 23-foot tsunami also hit the coast ...