Earthquake in Japan 2011 - What We Should Really Know About This!

By Dean Wallis
Platinum Quality Author
The recent earthquake in Japan was heart wrenching but what is the real meaning of it all? How does this fit with everything that is happening in the world right now and the 2012 theory? There seems to be such a mixture of opinions but many people don't know some of the scientific facts behind it all.
I think we only have to watch the news recently to realize there really is something going on with the planet. Last weeks shocking earthquake in Japan and subsequent devastating Tsunami just highlighted the fact. Before that we had the earthquake in New Zealand, then there was Chilli, Indonesia, there has been volcano activity, landslides, floods, strange weather patterns and even disease in Haiti. Not to mention the political and civil unrest all over the world and the unstable financial global economy.
So what does it all mean...are we really headed for the end of the world like some say?
The thing is that what we see is people really don't want to believe they are anything more than natural disasters that happen all the time through history. While that is true have we ever seen such frequency?..I don't think so! So there seems to be a kind of collective denial going on. We get no real answers from our Government's and it really does seem like they don't want to tell us anything or they don't really know.
Yet what is happening is very real and the pictures we are seeing on our TV sets and computers these days look like something from a movie, and they are happening with alarming frequency.
Now I don't like to be a scaremonger by any means, I have too much in my life for that but a few years ago I began to research this whole 2012 theory and what I found was quite alarming. I think what most people perceive is that the 2012 issue is some kind of religious apocalyptic idea dreamed up by doomsday crazies. Well what I found is it is not that at all, it is in fact quite scientific and when you look into it you begin to realize we, the human race are but a blip in the great cycle of the universe of which this planet is also a small blip. It just so happens we think everything revolves around us which of course it doesn't.
This is part of a great cycle of planetary and universal change
Back to the point and that is that this whole 2012 theory is according to some very eminent and leading scientists as well as philosophers part of a great cycle of planetary change. It is not the first time it has happened either and in his book "Fractal time" Gregg Braden lays out how the Mayan civilizations some 5000 odd years ago experienced exactly what we are beginning to experience and left a record of it warning us. Believe it or not, well up to you but there is some pretty hefty evidence to support all this.
But once again it is not really discussed too much, at least not amongst the general public. We had the movie 2012 which just kind of makes a mockery of the whole thing really and did a great job at playing down the reality of the situation and making the whole business fantastical. But.....that doesn't mean it has gone away, and what we are seeing now is just the beginning apparently and you tell me but do some of the scenes we are watching now on Television look like a movie or what? So actually I made my own little movie about it in fact and you can watch it here... Earthquake in Japan 2011 what it means
It just could be the end of things the way we know them!
You see the 2012 thing is not a one day event like some will have you believe. There is a date which represents more of a climax in the cycle but the changes begin before that date and continue after it too and what we are witnessing is exactly that....the beginning of the cycle of world change, which is why it is not the end of the world but more of a change of the world. It just could be the end of things the way we know them as parts of our planet begin to get changed by nature.
So what can we do? Because when you watch that Earthquake in Japan and the Tsunami after it there is no way you can out run that thing!