Tips to Prevent Earthquake Damage

By Stewart B Johnston

Earthquake is the result of seismic activity of an area that suddenly releases energy. It usually occurs within a period of time and come in several waves. Earthquake is a common earth activity that can cause damage to house and furniture. It might even cause deaths to human and animals. Preventing the earthquake is kind of impossible to be done by the common people. But, preventing the damage of an earthquake is not impossible to be done by the common people.
There are several things that you can do to minimize the damage of an earthquake. These things cannot be done in half way because every little mistake can cause big damage. You might regret it later if you do not care about your own safety. I assure you to rearrange your house in order to prevent the earthquake damage.
1. The first thing that you can do is to secure your furniture. Avoid buying fragile furniture because it would mess up if it cracked. Fragile furniture like glasses might hurt you if it falls down and broken into tiny pieces. You need to rearrange your furniture as well in order to prevent them from falling down or turning over.
2. Tighten your plumbing appliances to avoid leakage. It has to be done especially for the appliances that are connected to gas pipes. You have to store all chemicals and other dangerous liquid in a safe place like in the cabinet. Do not forget to shut the cabinet tightly. It is to prevent any damage caused by chemicals and dangerous liquids. Liquid gas is one of the examples of dangerous liquids that could cause fire.
3. The last thing that I suggest you is to keep fire extinguishers in reachable places around your house. Earthquake might cause fire from the spilled dangerous liquid, electricity problems and so forth. As explained before, hazardous liquid like liquid gas might cause fire if static electricity occurs. Many other things also possible to cause fire because we never know what would happen in such a life-risking time. Therefore, you need to have fire extinguishers at least one in your house and more for larger house.
From all the tips I stated above, I hope that you can start rearranging your home in order to prevent earthquake damage. This article is made for you who live in an area that has frequent earthquakes. If you do not live in such risky area you can also follow my tips because we never know what might happen to us.