What To Do When Tsunami Attacks?

By Ramir Sarmiento
Platinum Quality Author
Year 2004 was an unforgettable year for Southeast Asian citizens. A very powerful tidal wave hit certain areas that resulted from destruction and left awful scenarios for the casualties. Over 200,000 people died in just a moment and unfortunately some bodies were never recovered and identified.
This is just one of the many recorded tsunami attacks from recent years and even centuries. It happened not just in the vicinities of the Pacific, but also in Indian and Atlantic Ocean, which brought up many into worry.
Way back 1600 B.C., until the recent happening in the island of Indonesia where more than 600 people were killed, tsunami has just brought up many people's lives into pain and suffering.
When an underground earthquake caused by plate collisions occurs in a certain area, a warning will be sent out to coastal teams as the possibilities of having tsunami is big. Warnings are sent out to any local authorities to inform civilians.
Tsunami attacks cannot be predicted up to what specific place. But since the Pacific area is known as the world's rim of fire, there is a bigger chance that tsunami can strike next to countries around it, which makes these countries conduct several preparations in case such awful disaster happens.
The main problem associated with some countries that suffered much is that they don't plan ahead of time. Tsunami can be unpredictable sometimes but the fact that these countries are near to coastal areas and places, which are prone to big tidal waves, should be a hint for them to prepare.
There should be a system that will effectively warn everybody to prepare for the coming tsunami. This alert system, which composes of information, watch, advisory, and warning, should be implemented.
Once an underground earthquake is detected, a firm called Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii will send out information to the countries along the area.
Although the specific place of impact is not yet clearly identified, they will still send out advisory to the possible regions that might be attacked by the tsunami.
It may take hours for the effects of the underground earthquake to happen but this signals everyone that there's a possibility for a tsunami to attack. With this, people along the coastal areas must watch over the water movement.
If something unusual is seen and there is water withdraw, then an immediate evacuation should take place.
One signal to inform everyone of the evacuation is via siren. The siren will start to sound at interval times three hours to half an hour before tsunami impacts.
By this time, everyone should begin packing and evacuating. One safe place is to go to higher grounds far from the danger zone. There should be emergency kits along with you once you packed out.
These include: food, water and clothing. Radio, as well, is important for you to know if it is safe already to go down.
People should watch out for further news about tsunami. If nothing happened, it is always safe to take consultation to the authorities and make sure that it is already safe to go back.
Coordination is one important thing that everyone, especially those near to tsunami-prone regions, should have. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Devastated structures and properties can still be replaced but a life cannot be returned.