By Lance Winslow

After the Christmas of 2004 Sumatra Earthquake, which triggered the Indonesia Tsunami killing over 100,000 people it was determined by scientists and observers that if they had a better warning system that many of those people would not have died at all.
Former Presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and President William Jefferson Clinton while doing their fundraising promised to make that early warning system a reality. This pledge was further reiterated by our current President George Walker Bush, who under the guidance of his scientific team determined that the United States also needed a better warning systems in some part of our nation, although many places already had such installed.
Tsunami Warning Systems will now be installed throughout out our coastlines to protect all those living near the ocean. Many poorer nations do not have such systems yet desperately need them. Many places in South America, Africa and Central America are completely without Tsunami Warning Systems currently.
The oceans on our planet are scattered with Subduction Zones similar to the one, which triggered the Tsunami in Indonesia. We will see a trend in Tsunami Warning Systems technologies being set up throughout the world and this trend will continue in 2006 and beyond. Think on this.
Former Presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and President William Jefferson Clinton while doing their fundraising promised to make that early warning system a reality. This pledge was further reiterated by our current President George Walker Bush, who under the guidance of his scientific team determined that the United States also needed a better warning systems in some part of our nation, although many places already had such installed.
Tsunami Warning Systems will now be installed throughout out our coastlines to protect all those living near the ocean. Many poorer nations do not have such systems yet desperately need them. Many places in South America, Africa and Central America are completely without Tsunami Warning Systems currently.
The oceans on our planet are scattered with Subduction Zones similar to the one, which triggered the Tsunami in Indonesia. We will see a trend in Tsunami Warning Systems technologies being set up throughout the world and this trend will continue in 2006 and beyond. Think on this.