3.4 earthquake recorded in South Los Angeles [Updated] - latimes.com

3.4 earthquake recorded in South Los Angeles [Updated] - latimes.com: "

City map

A magnitude 3.4 earthquake occurred early Monday morning in South Los Angeles.

The temblor occurred at 12:07 a.m. and was centered in the Willowbrook area, about nine miles south of downtown Los Angeles.

There were no immediate reports of damage from the small quake.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the temblor was felt across the South Bay, Long Beach and northern Orange County. [Updated, 12:50 a.m. June 6: Residents as far north as Burbank reported feeling the temblor.]

Map: USGS. The red squares show the epicenters of earthquakes after midnight on Monday, June 6, 2011; the yellow squares show epicenters of earthquakes in the past week.[Updated, 12:50 a.m., June 6: A magnitude 1.5aftershock was reported at 12:09 a.m. in the Willowbrook area. Four minutes later, a magnitude 1.3 earthquakerumbled through the Santa Monica Mountains west of the 405 Freeway, about halfway between Tarzana in the San Fernando Valley and the stretch of Pacific Coast Highway that connects Pacific Palisades and Malibu.]

-- Shelby Grad and Rong-Gong Lin II

[Updated, 9:12 a.m.: Did you feel the quake? Tell the U.S. Geological Survey.]

Upper map credit: USGS

Lower map: The red squares show the epicenters of earthquakes after midnight on Monday, June 6; the yellow squares show epicenters of earthquakes in the past week. Credit: USGS