Astrocopia World Forecast 2011, Earthquake Tsunami Prediction

Astrocopia World Forecast 2011, Earthquake Tsunami Prediction

World forecast incorporates anticipated predictions for the occurance of earthquake, thus opens up a new horizon of work in astrology. This is a novel endeavour to project the spans of anticipated time when the frequency of quake may increase or augment to a great extent than the rests. Hope, this unique effort from Indian astrology would further elevate the science of meteorology to a new mark of altitude and simultaneously strengthen the meteorological department to offer a better forecast for weather report or atmospheric phenomena especially for forecasting earthquake. Occurance of quake is very common from mild to moderate frequency, but our objective is to place some span of dates, when occurance and intensity of quake will definitely increase or decrease. Forecasts are based on astrological analysis in every month round the year. In this context viewers may have a glance on important days which can help them to guess impacts of the powerful days causing big events.

Astrological forecast is made on the basis of robust data derived from Vedic astrology is furnished here, where viewers will find some useful astrological information on weather report or climate change, global warming, earthquake, tsunami (pronounce Sunami), mudslide, international situation etc. along with forecast of their occurance. As the Earth is a motile body, due to its diurnal motion quake happens, may be small or with medium frequency everyday somewhere in the globe and viewers may get the latest earthquake reports here.

What is Earthquake? - Quake under soil or earth is called earthquake and its advanced forecast is one of the prime objectives of this website. Frequency of quake has been augmented since the year 1991 and the flow will remain same until the year 2009. Occurance of earthquake will reduce to a great extent since the year 2010 until 2019. After that the frequency of earthquake will resume again along with the new problem of mudslide since the year 2020 and the flow will remain active up to the year 2038. Since April 2030 to June 2032, situation may turn to be the worst when earthquake along with mudslide will emerge as a terrible problem during that period. Mudslide emerges as a new threat, an output of global warming. Epicenter of earthquake cannot remain fixed, as it forms arbitrarily by the planets and their corresponding angular positions, which is ever changing. Quake has no zonal limitation also like Pacific, Atlantic or Indian Ocean and even of northern or southern hemisphere.

How Earthquake happens? - From the astrological point of view, it is seen that when two or several planets are posited in a contradictory angle of 120°, 180° or 270° cause earthquake. We need to know that any planet can cause earthquake by stirring the base of planet Earth from an antagonizing angle. But, the planets like Saturn and Venus possess the highest capacity to stir the planet, Earth. Thus, when our Earth comes under attack due to planetary war a certain layer of it suffers maximum damage; moreover if that damaged layer extends into the solid part or soil causes earthquake. However, tsunami causes when that affected layer extends into the soil under sea. Thus, when the base of Earth gets stirred, the upper content face the consequence doesn’t matter whether there is soil or water above.

What is Tsunami & how it happens? - Quake under the bottom of a sea or ocean is called Tsunami and could be considered as output of tremble. Mechanism of causing tsunami is same like earthquake as described above. Basic difference between earthquake and tsunami is that, soil gets ruffled during quake and the same happens with water during the latter. Tsunami predictions have become our astrological responsibility after occurance of the powerful tsunami along with earthquake (9.0 Magnitude) on December 26, 2004, a lot of rumours were rotating in different corner of the world regarding the re-occurrence of tsunami. But, this could be said unhesitatingly, that there will be "NO" such occurrence of tsunami in near future. But probability of the occurrence of earthquake can't be ruled out. There is another possibility of tsunami in the beginning (Jan/Feb) of the year 2035, but the degree of devastation will be 1/20th than that of December 26, 2004.

Earthquake & Tsunami predictions 2011:-

January 2011

Frequency of earthquake may reduce to a great extent in the month of January.

February 2011

But frequency of quake may emerge again after February 6.

Incident of quake (6.3-magnitude) in Christchurch, New Zealand on February 22, 2011 caused 75 casualties.

March 2011

Frequency of earthquake may remain continued in the month of March. Second half of the month may seem to be more vulnerable.

Incident of quake (8.9-magnitude) in Fukushima, Japan on March 11, 2011 caused more than 10 thousand casualties, which is next to World War II for the country.

Incident of quake (6.8-magnitude) in Myanmar (Burma), Thailand & China on March 24, 2011.

April 2011

Incidents of quake may get reduced during the first half of April. Quake along with tsunami may emerge with higher frequency after April 15.

Review on April 17, 2011: Incident of mild to moderate quake along with tsunami is possible within the span of April 23 until May 3, but degree of devastation will be much lower than the incident happened on March 11, 2011 in Japan.

May 2011

Frequency of earthquake will reduce again to a great extent after May 10.

June 2011

There will hardly be any incident of earthquake in the month of June.

July 2011

This month may witness more incidents of volcanic eruptions. Race of fire-arms, and fire accidents may get increased to a remarkable extent. Comprehensive precaution should be taken against artificial catastrophe after July 20. Political situation may deteriorate.

August 2011

Volcanic eruptions, fire incidents and arms-race with disturbed political situation will increase further during this month. Possibility of very powerful unnatural catastrophe might be there after August 16. Earthquake may emerge again since August 25 and might be continued until September 5; however there will hardly be any incident of tsunami.

September 2011

Keep watching ....

October 2011

Keep watching ....

November 2011

Keep watching ....

December 2011

Keep watching ....

Earthquake & Tsunami Forecast 2010:-

January & February 2010

Frequency of earthquake will reduce to a great extent during these two months of the year 2010.

March & April 2010

Frequency of earthquake will increase a lot during these two months of the year 2010. The date span since March 03 until March 27, could be the most vulnerable period.

May & June 2010

Earthquake may reduce to a great extent during the month of May 2010. Frequency of quake may increase again in the month of June 2010. The date span since 11 June 2010 until 24 June 2010, could be considered seriously.

July & August 2010

Occurrence of tsunami & earthquake may increase after July 20 and the flow will remain same during the whole month of August 2010 and even may extend until the first week of September 2010.

September & October 2010

Since September 15, 2010 a new episode of tsunami may start which may extend until October 17, 2010.

November & December 2010

No big catastrophe is foreseen during the month of November 2010, as this could be said with confidence that nature will sail the boat smoothly. But December 2010 could be little troublesome, as possibility of catching fire in the forest or volcanic eruption or even artificial fire disaster is quite possible during the first week of December 2010. Particularly, 02nd and 11th December 2010 might become vulnerable.

Volcanic Eruptions:-

There is possibility of more & more volcanic eruption in different parts of the world during next 10 years, i.e. until the end of Dec 2020. But volcanos, remaining under sea may get awake and erupt more frequently with the highest intensity until April 2017. (14 May 2010)

IT industry may face the biggest jolt between 01st Nov 2009 until 01st May 2011. (11 March 2009)

Obama waves leave shorter length on US. (22nd June 2008)

Nancy Pelosi will amaze US politics till 2016. (18 July 2008)

Celebrities belonging to identical astrological groups:-

Group A - Queen Elizabeth II, Ricky Martin, Madonna, Pope Benedict XVI, Nicolas Sarkozy, Vladimir Putin, Jacques Chirac

Group B - Nelson Mandela, George W. Bush, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, John McCain, Julia Roberts, David Beckham

Group C - Britney Spears, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dalai Lama, Gordon Brown, Barack Obama

Group D - Prince Charles, Carlos Sastre

Group E - Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, Dick Cheney

Group F - Angelina Jolie, Oprah Winfrey, HM Martha Louise (Princess of Norway)

Group G - Bill Gates, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton

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