Bible Prophecy - Earthquake Initiates End Times Apocalypse - Understanding Revelation is Survival

By Richard Ruhling
The book of the apocalypse begins with John startled by "the sound of many waters," Revelation 1:15. John was called to be a prophet like Isaiah, whose description also included "the roaring of the sea...roaring like young lions." Isaiah 5:29,30 is the context for the earthquake. "The posts of the door moved...king Uzziah" (Isaiah 6:1,4) is the earthquake cited in Zechariah 14:5 ("earthquake...Uzziah").
The earthquake in Revelation 1 will separate "the things that [John] saw, and the things that are, and the things that shall be hereafter." Revelation 1:19. The earthquake is a watershed event. Revelation 1 is the past; Revelation 2,3 was present tense in John's time--"are the seven churches," and Revelation 4:1 introduces the future which is still future to us "things that must be hereafter" (after the earthquake). The earthquake in John's time was a type; our earthquake will be the antitype, when the scenes that John saw will be for real, not just prophetic.
The church at Laodicea was lukewarm with materialism. Christ wanted it hot or cold and said He would "knock." The city "was destroyed as also Colosse and Hierapolis, by an earthquake," Young's Analytical Concordance. That "knock" was an earthquake, also supported by the fact that the Hebrew word for knock, daphaq, includes a severe meaning, as used in Judges 19:22. History will repeat for us, also lukewarm with materialism.
In Revelation 4:7, the first creature by the throne is a lion. In Revelation 5:5, it is the Lion of Judah. In Revelation 6:1, when John hears thunder, it is the roar of the Lion of Judah. "The Lord also shall roar... and the heavens and earth shall shake." Joel 3:16. This earthquake initiates the seven seals beginning in Revelation 6:1, encoded as a "roar."
"Roar" (earthquake) is also seen preceding the seven thunders in Revelation 10:3. The seven trumpets are also preceded by an earthquake in Revelation 8:5,6. Paul reminds us, "the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes...But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. You are all the children of light...let us watch," 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6.
Christ says, "If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief," Revelation 3:3. "But know this, that if the goodman...had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up," Matt 24:43. Christians are like the goodman who doesn't know when to watch. The Greek word for watch is gregoreuo and it means to stay awake as in a vigil, Matt 26:38-40.
It is beginning to look like important events are occurring on the appointed times of biblical feast days. When congress met to approve $760 billion bailout, it was October 1, the eve of the thin crescent signaling the Feast of Trumpets in Leviticus 23:24. Trumpets blew for 10 days till the Day of Atonement, a type of Judgment Day. And every day for 10 days, world markets crashed in an unprecedented way.
Another example is the pope's visit to Jerusalem. Christ's warning in Matthew 24:15 was understood by early believers as referring to Rome. When Cestius brought the Romans, Christians fled and were spared the siege by Titus a few years later. The Roman Empire fell, but the Holy Roman Empire emerged, and in a first-ever visit by a pope, John Paul went to Jerusalem in 2000. Since then, Jerusalem has been "compassed with armies" of Palestinians and others hostile to Israel, a sign that "the desolation thereof is nigh," Luke 21:20.
When Titus sieged Jerusalem, Herod's Temple burned on the 10th day of the 5th Jewish month according to Josephus, the same date Solomon's Temple burned nearly 700 years earlier, Jeremiah 52:12,13. This year the 10th day of the 5th month is August 2, and many Jews will fast and pray in honor of their history, as suggested in Zechariah 7:3-7. In sympathy with those who are in affliction, the Bible suggests our watching and praying or we could have our house broken. "If you do not watch, I will come on you as a thief." Revelation 3:3. "Could you not watch one hour?" Matthew 26:38-40.
Dr. Richard Ruhling is an author and conference speaker. His website on prophecy, Revelation and the wedding parables is He recommends his favorite book and DVD for low cost at