Careful Earthquake Preparedness - Earthquake Survival Kits

By Shane Dayton
Platinum Quality Author
Earthquakes are major natural disasters that can bring an entire city to its knees. While these are particularly devastating in poor or third world countries, even first world countries can be devastated by earthquakes. Anchorage and San Francisco are two examples of cities in the United States that have been absolutely crippled by a powerful earthquake before, and that doesn't even look at the very rare, but potentially devastating, Missouri fault line.
Being prepared for an earthquake involves many things, but one of the actions you can immediately take in order to help your odds is packing an earthquake survival kit. There are some arguments over what exactly should be in one of these kits, but there are several items that just about everyone can agree on.
First, you have to assume a worst case scenario, meaning that the infrastructure of a city won't be working the way it usually would. So things you would normally take for granted, like water and electricity, might not be certain. Because of this, an earthquake emergency kit needs to have iodine and water purification tablets to make sure you have drinkable water.
In addition, an earthquake specific kit should also have a flashlight and extra batteries. If you have one of those flashlights that can also be converted into a lantern, even better.
You will also want a signal whistle, not only in case you are caught under rubble, but also to signal nearby rescuers if you can see or hear someone who is trapped. Add in some gauze for bandaging cuts or band wounds.
These are just a few of the most important materials you will want to have in any quality emergency preparedness kit for earthquakes.
And if you are still concerned about being unprepared for an earthquake, then read this blog post all about earthquake survival kits to get a better idea of what you want to put in your kit. If you are interested in being prepared for every potential emergency situation, then you will want to check out this must visit basic survival kit blog. Thanks for reading!

Prediction techniques - Satellite observations - Early warning - Tidal forces Earthquake prediction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia