What Should You Do After an Earthquake?

By Herb Leibacher
Earthquakes are something that happen in many areas of the country. If you live in a place with quite a few earthquakes, you need to know what to do to prepare for earthquakes. Most people get this right. The part that many forget is what to do once the earthquake has already happened.
First of all, make sure your children are physically and emotionally doing well. These can be scary times. Be sure they are comforted and explain what just happened so they will understand better.
Check for damages around your home. Look for anything major that you might need to be aware of. Most of the time, it's just going to be smaller items falling off the walls, shelves, or counter tops.
Turn on your radio, you need to find out what is going on. Another quake might be coming. You need to stay cautious keeping in a safe place in case another one happens.
Grab your emergency food and water supplies so that you have them close. You are also going to want to have a flash light on hand in case the power goes out.
Check your closets once the earthquakes are over. Many times the items will shift meaning that when you open them, stuff will come out and might hit you. You need to be careful.
Turn off the gas and electricity in your home after a major quake. You don't want to have any issues with leaking gas or fires. This is a great way of preventing these problems.
If you and your property are fine, be sure to check on any neighbors in the area to see if they need anything. Be careful about things like downed power lines. Call the right people to get these types of issues reported.
Don't go on the roads for awhile. Other quakes might happen. Emergency response needs the roads clear to get to any victims.
Herb likes to be prepared. Please check out his website that contains dining room chandeliers information as well as antique light fixtures information.
Christchurch Quake Map