Earthquake Survival Kit: Build Your Own

By James Sorick
After every major earthquake people find themselves displaced out of their homes either temporarily, or permanently. This latest earthquake in Christchurch New Zealand is no different. Those people who still have their home intact often find that they are without water, electricity, phone, and even sewage services. A very tough situation becomes even tougher.
Depending on the severity of the quake, it can take days, weeks, and even months before all the services are working properly. Life temporarily becomes one big headache. It is a very stressful time for everyone in the community.
The best way to lessen the impact of an earthquake on you and your household is to prepare in advance for it. That's right, I am talking about having an earthquake kit ready.
If you live in an area that is prone to earthquakes and you don't have an earthquake kit yet, now is the time to amend that problem. You can buy one already made or better yet make one yourself. Store the kit in large plastic bins that are clearly marked. Store it somewhere that is easy to get to and make sure everyone in the home knows where it is and it's purpose.
Here are the basic items that every homes earthquake survival kit should include:
You need at least a three-day supply per person. That is a minimum of one gallon of water a day per person for three days.
Don't forget to also store some for yours pets.
Keep it in plastic bottles. I like to buy gallon bottles of purified water for this step.
Rotate your water every six months.
Purify contaminated water with household liquid bleach. Add 16 drops per gallon and wait 30 minutes. If you don't smell a slight odor of bleach, repeat the process.
Make sure all food is non-perishable. Ready to eat canned foods are good choices.
Granola bars, dried fruit, peanut butter, crackers and other high energy foods should be included.
Also include formula for the baby and any special food that your elderly need.
Don't forget food for your pets.
Don't forget to rotate your food every six months. Check expiration dates.
Buy some waterproof vinyl or polyethylene tarps. Hopefully you will be able to still shelter in your own home but there may still be damage to the structure. You can protect your home from the elements with those tarps. Tarps are also ideal for catching rain water to drink.
If you aren't able to stay home then you need to know how to make a shelter out of those tarps or have a tent to shelter your family.
An alternative to tarps is plastic sheeting. When taped down with duct tape it seals windows very well.
First Aid Kit:
Buy a good kit for your home. The more extensive it is, the better level of treatment you can offer.
Have smaller, basic kit for your bug out bag.
Rendering first aid to the injured is critical during any survival situation. Take some courses from the Red Cross or a similar organization to learn how to treat the injured.
Realize that hospitals will be overwhelmed and that the fastest healing will happen because you provided aid immediately.
Personal Hygiene & medication:
Feminine supplies.
Tooth brush and paste.
Contact lens solution and extra lens. Spare pair of glasses.
Important medication. Rotate every 6 months.
Tools and other implements:
Flashlights, batteries.
Fire starters. Have several different kinds such as waterproof matches and a lighter.
550 paracord.
Duct tape.
An ax, a hand saw, or even a chain saw.
A big wrench to turn off the water and gas.
A folding shovel.
A good multi tool.
A manual can opener such as a P-38.
Disposable camera.
Work gloves
Paper plates, plastic utensils and other disposable feeding supplies.
Hammer & nails.
Staple gun.
Documents: Copies of all documents can be either paper or digital. I think it makes the most sense to have both.
Insurance; home, life, auto, and medical.
Passports, drivers license, and other identification.
Bank account information.
Credit card account information.
Contact list.
Family birth, death and marriage certificates.
Toilet paper.
Sanitary wipes.
Rubber gloves.
Face mask.
Plastic garbage bags with ties
5 gallon bucket with a lid.
Liquid chlorine bleach.
Poop bags to pick up after pets.
Clothing and Sleeping gear:
Sturdy clothes shoes and boots.
Rain poncho.
Blankets or sleeping bags.
Deck of cards or something else to fight boredom
$200 cash. When the power is off you can't use your credit cards.
Anything else that you think is important.
Building and maintaining your homes survival kit is very rewarding. The kit will of course work for other disasters besides earthquakes. I hope that I gave you enough ideas to get you started on your own. By doing this for your family you will know that they are much more ready than most of your neighbors. The feeling that you get is great...I hope that you feel it soon!
Hi, I'm James Sorick and I run a website that teaches about survival gear and preparedness strategies. I invite you to visit my site where you will continue your survival education with excellent articles such as 3 Steps To Survive The Coming Food Shortage.