What Size Earthquake Does it Take to Spill a Venti Mocha Frappachino?

By Lance Winslow
The other day I was sitting in Starbucks and having a little mental exercise with an acquaintance of mine. Apparently, his knee hit the table, and I noticed my Venti a White Mocha Frappachino almost tipped over. Of course I moved very quickly to catch it from falling, I didn't get to it in time, but it was able to stay upright on its own. But that got us to thinking exactly how big of an earthquake on the Richter scale would it take to tip over a full White Mocha Frappachino, one with no whip cream, in other words the standard lid?
Well, we reasoned that when his knee hit the table that would have moved the table with about as much force as a 4.0 earthquake. And since it did not fall over, we figured that that mocha Frappachino could probably have handled a 4.5 earthquake on the Richter scale without tipping over and spilling. Now you might not think this is silly and unimportant, but mind you I live in California, we do have earthquakes. So, this is a relevant mental exercise, and it might actually help you lose weight if you will continue reading.
You see, there are 480 callories in a White Mocha Frappachino, of the Venti size, and there are over 100 less calories in the Grande or Medium size. The Grande size has the same base, but it is shorter by a couple of inches, which means they could probably survive a 5.5 earthquake. And let's face it if there's an earthquake much over 5.5 you are going to reach for your Frappachino and duck under the table right away or run outside the store before the glass starts shattering somewhere.
At a 6.5 earthquake you can expect some shattered glass, perhaps even at the window next to where you are sitting. At a 7.5 earthquake there will be glass shattered, and it will be a mess, in fact, you may not even be able to get outside of the store in time, or even want to run out in the parking lot because something else might fall on you.
So, perhaps this thinking exercise has helped you, so that you might order the medium-size rather than the large vent a size next time you go to Starbucks, you will save about a dollar in cost, and about 100 callories during your visit. Indeed, hope you will please consider all this.
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank http://www.worldthinktank.net - Lance Winslow believes it's hard work to write 22,222 articles; http://www.bloggingcontent.net/
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