Re-Painting Christchurch Houses After the Earthquake

By Andreas Becker

The earthquake in September has damaged many homes in and around Christchurch and most of these will need to be repainted. You may need to paint the interior, exterior or both. Many of the painters Christchurch has on offer have found that they are actually running out of work at present. This is because it can take a while for the assessments to be made and approved by EQC. Many people who have been given payouts have decided that the damage is relatively minor and that they can live with it and have spent the money on other things. Not many of the larger, managed claims have been auctioned yet.
There is no doubt that when work is started on these claims that all the painters in Christchurch will be inundated with work. So now is the time to benefit from the quiet period that they are experiencing. If you do not have an EQC claim but need some painting done get in quick and get the work done. The painters will be happy to work for you and if you procrastinate until the EQC work starts flowing through you may well find yourself at the back of a long queue.
If you do have earthquake damage that you think will involve repainting it is also a good idea to talk to a painter and ask for a quote on the work required. Even if the assessors have not yet visited it is still advisable. You may be offered a lump sum payout. If you know how much the painting is going to cost you, you will be able to judge whether to take it or whether you are better to take the managed option. You could also use your quote to try and increase the payout.
Whether you have been given a payout or your home is being repaired as a managed project having a quote ready will save you time. As soon as work starts flowing through to the painters finding one who can do your work will be very hard. If you have already built a relationship with a painter and have been given a quote this will put you higher up the queue. It will also make the whole process go a lot faster with EQC because you will have a very important step in the process completed. The busier the painters get the harder it will be to even get a quote from them. You will also be able to shop around for a painter that you like and has good references rather than having to accept the only one available. This painter may well be very good but there is no guarantee that this will be the case.
So if you will need painting done on your home in the next few months do not delay but contact one of the painters Christchurch has presently sitting waiting for your call before you won't be able to get hold of one for love or money.
If you are looking for an excellent painter, Painters Christchurch houses only the best painters in New Zealand. Visit their site today at Christchurch Painter.
Andreas Becker - EzineArticles Expert Author